Showing posts with label The English Language Olympiad. 6th grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The English Language Olympiad. 6th grade. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2022

Topics for discussion: Tell your friend from Britain what duties about the house the members of your family have.


Sample 1

Doing household chores is a necessary part of our life. People all over the world try to work hard. They usually have a lot of duties. I have a lot of duties, too. My parents are often tired and I must take care of them. Everybody is happy when the home is always bright and clean. Day after day I can have fun when I do my household chores. I sweep the floor, tidy my room, clean the shoes, dust the furniture, make food myself and do every kind of work. It's not easy to do every kind of work at home, but I can learn to do everything myself.

When I do my household chores well, everybody in the family is happy. If I have a holiday party at home, I can help my mother and grandmother a lot. How happy mother is to see everything bright! It's a nice present for my parents to tidy the house! It's wonderful to make people happy! If I have time, my mother asks me to go to the shop. I go there and buy bread, eggs and sugar. Very often I go to the market with my mother. We buy some vegetables and fruits. Then I help my mother to carry them. My mother cooks well; sometimes I help her when she makes cakes. She usually makes them before holidays and on my birthday.

We have got a country house. There is a big garden with many trees, bushes and flowers in it. There is a lot of work in our garden and I help my parents to do it. We must do our household chores, because if we hadn't done it our flat would look like a trash can. I usually clean my flat on Friday. First of all I clean with duster table, piano, some boxes, TV, lamp and many other things. At second I clean with vacuum cleaner carpet in my room, then I clean carpet in mother's and father's room. I usually wash the floor in all rooms. Then I wash bath shell with "Pemolux". Later I wash stove with "Fairy".

Every day I must feed my cat. It is very big and fat. I cook a fish soup I to it. After supper I always wash plates and dishes. Sometimes I cook myself, but my cookies up aren't so nice as mother's. I think I make an impact in tiding our place. It is necessary to help the parents. Try to make people happy and you will be happy yourself.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Topics for discussion: Tell your new friend what you know about hobbies.

Sample 1

         A hobby is something you like to do in your free time. Some people make something, grow plants or collect things. Collecting things is not the only hobby people have. A lot of people do sports in their free time. Some people are fond of traveling or gardening. Different people like doing different things.
         My friend is fond of collecting dolls. She has got a very good collection and she is proud of it. This hobby is very popular with girls. Collecting dolls is funny but expensive. I think it is really interesting. Her collection is thematic. Her theme is Brats dolls. She keeps her dolls in special bags and doll's houses.
            I spend a lot of time on my homework but in the evenings I have enough free time to do my hobby. My hobbies are reading, playing LEGO and roller skating. I like reading very much. I read interesting books, usually about magic. I like to play LEGO. I have built a lot of houses from LEGO blocks and I like to do it. I'm fond of roller skating. I can roller skate but I want to skate better. I've done skating for about 6 months. I'm proud that I could learn to roller skate so quickly.
            I think that my hobbies are exciting! 

Sample 2

           A hobby is a favourite pastime of a person. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby to your liking, lucky you are: you have made your life more interesting.
Numerous hobbies can be subdivided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things.
          The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball. Gardening is one of the oldest man’s hobbies, especially in some countries (Britain, for example). A relatively new hobby which is becoming more popular is computer games.
          Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, and handicrafts. Some people write music.
           Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches.
          Generally speaking, a hobby is a matter of taste.
        My hobby is playing computer games. Both grown-ups and children are fond of it now. It has become one of the most popular hobbies nowadays. I think that playing with a computer is very interesting. It is not only "wasting time" as some people say.
      Computer games make us to think things over properly, they widen and develop our mind and imagination. I have a good collection of different games and when I have some free time I play them with great pleasure. My favourite game is...
Some of my friends have the same hobby and we like to play together.
           No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.

Topical Vocabulary
a favourite pastime -любимое времяпровождение
to one’s liking - по чьему-либо вкусу
numerous - бесчисленные
to be subdivided into - подразделяться на (какие-либо классы, подгруппы)
to include smth - включать что-либо (в состав)
a wide variety of activities - широкий круг занятий
a computer game - компьютерная игра
to make sculpture - заниматься скульптурой
to design a costume - разработать модель костюма, создать костюм
handicrafts - рукоделие, ручная работа
a hobbyist - человек, имеющий хобби
a hobby - painter - художник-любитель
to have no real value - не иметь реальной ценности
valuable - ценный
to be housed in museums and galleries - размещаться в музеях и галереях
a world-famous collection - всемирно известная коллекция
to start in a small way - начинаться с малого
an item - предмет, пункт
to collect paintings - собирать картины
a rare book - редкая книга
an art object - предмет искусства
a private collection - частная коллекция
to take pleasure in doing smth. - получать удовольствие от занятий
to have the opportunity of doing smth. - иметь возможность сделать что-либо
to be interested in smth. - интересоваться чем-либо
to add to smth. - прибавлять, увеличивать
the most exciting aspect of smth. - наиболее увлекательная сторона

Topics for discussion: Tell your new friend about your school.



Sample 1

           I think I can make a long speech about my school. School is a very special place. It’s a temple of knowledge, a place where you grow up and take knowledge, make friends and develop your abilities and your personality. 
         I study at secondary school in Soligorsk. It is famous for its high quality of education. Firstly, the children begin learning English in the first form. Secondly, the number of English lessons is greater.
         Our school looks nice and lovely. It’s a clean and attractive three-storeyed building. 
         When you enter the school you will see a large entrance hall, cloakrooms, on the left there is a gym, a library, Headmaster’s office and  the canteen.
            On the first floor there is the Assembly Hall, a teachers′ room, a computer class, and a lot of classrooms to study. Our classrooms are well-equipped, cosy and home-like. They are fully-equipped with computers, white boards, TV sets, projectors and so on.
              Here I’d like to say that my teachers are highly educated and experienced. They are always friendly and tolerant. My favourite subject at school is … We have a very good and enthusiastic teacher who inspired in me an interest of… She is a very creative person and the manner of her teaching is perfect. The pupils are well-disciplined and well-behaved at her lessons.
            Our school has a busy life. There are a lot of extra-class activities. We have parties and concerts, different contests and competitions. 
             We also learn about the traditions of the English-Speaking countries and celebrate such holidays as Christmas’s, Valentine’s Day `, St Patrick′s Day and many others. For example, this March we had pancake races on Shrove Tuesday. Our English teacher baked pancakes and we competed in two teams in tossing pancakes. It was really funny.                              I like the friendly atmosphere at my school. I like my class. I always feel at home here. Everybody is  friendly and easy to get along with. I am on good terms with my classmates and we often spend our free time together.
           In conclusion I’d like to say  that school means a lot to me, I like most of my teachers and many of my friends who make my school life enjoyable.

Topics for discussion: Tell your new friend about Belarusian national dishes.

Sample 1

          Belarusian national food has a long history. Many dishes came to our time from the remote past. The most popular  ingredient of the Belarusian national food is potato. Potato is at the Belarusian table every season and in any state - fried, boiled, baked, stuffed. Potato is an ingredient for soups, and salads, and pies. Dishes out of grated potatoes are pancakes, babka, draniki, kolduny and kletski.
        Other common ingredients are pork and mushrooms. 
        Our dishes are rare hot and spicy - usually they don't have much pepper, parsley, garlic.
Babka is a national Belarusian dish made from grated potatoes and dressed with fried bacon, onion and meat. The dish is baked in the oven and served with sour cream and milk.
However, certainly, potato is not the only one that the Belarusians eat. Carrot, cabbage, peas, mushrooms, berries, river fish, as well as  milk foods are also widely used.
         What the Belarusians are crazy about is lard or iced fat (сало) as an ingredient for many dishes.  Also the Belarusians eat pork, beef and chicken.
           Traditional meat dishes are vereshchaka (or machanka) - a special sauce for different dishes. 
        Soups of the Belarusian food can be hot or cold. Hot soups are often meaty, with vegetables and grains. Kholodnik and okroshka are traditional cold soups.
           The most common drinks in Belarus are kwas, kisel, birch juice and so on.
Belarusian national food is delicious nad healthy.

Topics for discussion: Tell your new friend from Britain about Belarus.


The main points to speak about:

1. Location (The country is located ... . It borders .... . )

2. Landscape (The highest mountain ... . There are ... rivers and .... lakes ... .)

3. Flora (The most common types of trees .... . National parks are .... . )

4. Fauna (The most common species of animals and birds .... . )

5. Statistics (The population .... . The capital ... .)

6. National symbols (Flag, anthem, coat of arms). National animal, bird, flower

7. Places of interest, sights.


Sample 1

           To my mind, Belarus is a small country but it is very beautiful. It lies in the centre of Europe, between Poland and Russiaand from space it looks like a maple leaf. On the map this leaf is always coloured in green, because Belarus is rich in forests. It isn’t a surprise, nowhere in the world you you’ll see such a variety of plants, trees, bushes and plants.
          There are 111 species of trees and about 12000 species of plants and mushrooms in Belarus. There are fir and pine wood trees, oaks and ash-trees in our forests. Some oaks in Belovezhskaya Pushcha are from 300 to 700 years old. Many species of animals live in the wilds of our country: elks, wild boars, deer, wolves, hares and beavers. You'll never forget meeting a herd of European bison. This animal is one of the symbols of Belarus. Unfortunately, people have always killed wild animals uncontrollably, so many of them are in danger now. Belarusian lakes are rich in fish, especially Lake Naroch, where you can find eel, trout and pike. There are practically no dangerous snakes in Belarus. There are beautiful national parks – Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Pripyatsky National Park – where you can find a lot of animals, birds and plants.
          Now some statistics! The population of Belarus is over 9 million people and the area is about 200 thousand sq/km. The capital of the republic is Minsk, which is also the largest city. The population of Minsk is about 2 million people. Summer temperatures are +15-28 C but in winter it can be very cold, -5-25 C below zero. Belarusians speak Russian but with a Belarusian accent.
            Belarus also has its national symbols. We have three stripes on our national flag: red, green and white with a red ornament. The green stripe on our flag is a symbol of our green forests. The white colour is the symbol of peace. The red one means blood, the blood of Belarusians who died during the Great Patriotic War. Red crosses and stripes on the ornament is the symbol of life. Belarus is famous for its white storks. People say, they are a symbol of good luck. And the symbol of Belarusian fields is the cornflower - a small blue flower. People sometimes call Belarus the blue-eyed country, because there are more than ten thousands lakes there.
           In old times people called Belarus the country of castles. Now there are many places in Belarus where we can still see these old castles. Nesvizh lies in Minsk region. It is one of the oldest towns in Belarus. From the 16th century it was the residence of a rich family - the Radziwils. The castle in Mir is older than the castle in Nesvizh. It dates from the 15th century. There is no other castle in the world like this one. The builders used red bricks for the castle. Since 1992 the castle in Mir has been a museum. This place is also famous for its beautiful park.
          The castles are very interesting. They are famous for their ghosts. The Nesvizh ghosts are the Black Dame and the Black Nun. The Black Nun likes to play tricks on people. The ghost can push someone or break a mirror. And the Black Dame still walks in the castle. It's the ghost of Barbara Radziwil.
           I think Belarus is a very interesting to place to visit. I love my country very much and can’t imagine other place where I can live.

Topics for discussion: Tell your new friends about the place you live (flat/house).

                                                          MY FLAT
Sample 1
         My name is Veronika. I live in Soligorsk, the city of miners. I live in Zaslonova street in a high nine-storeyed house. We are lucky to live in the house which is not far from the bus stop. So we can go by bus and it takes us only a few minutes to get to school. Besides, there is a big supermarket next to our house. That is why we do not spend much time on shopping. 
       Our flat is on the eighth floor. It is not large but it is very cosy. There are two rooms in our flat. There is a living-room and a bedroom in our flat. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet there, too.
           Our living-room is light and comfortable. There is only one window in it, but it's really huge. There is modern furniture in our living-room. There is a wall-unit, a TV-set, a sofa, two armchairs and a table in the room. There is a large carpet on the floor. Some pictures decorate the walls. I like watching TV in the living-room and playing or talking with my parents in the evening there.
         Our kitchen is small, but nice. There is a cooker there, a fridge, a table and four chairs. We have meals in the kitchen and my mother cooks tasty things there.
         Our bathroom is clean and nice. We wash hands and face, clean teeth in the bathroom and take a bath or a shower there. There is a bath and a sink with hot and cold water taps there.
         I like to be at home, to play computer games or read books. There are a lot of books in our flat. I help my parents about the house and our flat is always clean and nice. I think, there is no place like home.


Sample 2

        We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the fourth floor. On the one hand I like it because we have a nice view from the windows. But on the other hand we sometimes have to walk up the stairs when the elevator breaks down. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot running water, but it hasn’t got a lift.
           There is a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet in our flat.
          ​The living-room is the largest room in the flat. It is nicely furnished. My mum likes to watch TV there, it’s her favourite room.
         My parents’ bedroom is smaller than the living-room, but it is light and cozy. In this room there is a double bed and a wardrobe.
         The third room is my bedroom. It is not large and there isn’t much furniture in it: my bed, a writing table, some shelves and a computer.
         The best room in our flat is the kitchen. In the kitchen we have dinner together and discuss our family issues.
 I wish our flat were a bit larger, but generally speaking I like it as it is.            

Topics for discussion: Tell your new friends about your likes and dislikes.


If you love something

“I love eating ice-cream.” - «Я люблю есть мороженое».

“I adore sun-bathing.” - «Обожаю солнечные ванны».

“She’s mad about that new boy band.” - «Она без ума от этого нового бойз-бэнда».

“He’s crazy about that girl.” -  «Он без ума от этой девушки».

If you like something a lot

“She’s fond of chocolate.” - «Она любит шоколад».

“I like swimming very much.” - «Я очень люблю плавать».

“He really likes that new golf course.” - «Ему очень нравится это новое поле для гольфа».

If you like something

“He quite likes going to the cinema.” - «Он очень любит ходить в кино».

“I like cooking.” - "Мне нравится готовить."

If you neither like nor dislike something

“I don’t mind doing the housework.” - «Я не против делать работу по дому».

In reply to a question if you like something or not, you can say:

I don’t really care either way.” - «Мне все равно в любом случае».

It’s all the same to me.” - "Для меня это одно и тоже."

If you don’t like something

“She doesn’t like cooking very much.” - «Она не очень любит готовить».

“He’s not very fond of doing the gardening.” - Он не очень любит заниматься садоводством.

“He’s not a great fan of football.” - «Он не большой фанат футбола».

“Horse-riding isn’t really his thing.” - «Верховая езда на самом деле не его конек».

“I dislike wasting time.” - «Я не люблю терять время».

If you really dislike something

“I don’t like sport at all.” - «Я вообще не люблю спорт».

“He can’t stand his boss.” - «Он терпеть не может своего босса».

“She can’t bear cooking in a dirty kitchen.” - «Она терпеть не может готовить на грязной кухне».

“I hate crowded supermarkets.” - «Я ненавижу переполненные супермаркеты».

“He detests being late.” - «Он ненавидит опаздывать».

“She loathes celery.” - «Она ненавидит сельдерей».

Here is a short paragraph on my likes and dislikes:

Like every human beings I have many likes & dislikes. When I talk about my likes I like to talk about my favourite color, TV shows, movies, actor-actresses, food, books, pets, sports & music.
My favourite color is red. If given a choice I always choose red color because I find it pretty & glowing.
I like to wear red colored clothes often. My favourite TV show is “Just for Laughs” because I find this show very funny. My favourite movie is “Big Happy Family” because I find the characters in the movie resembling my own family members. Also the characters have done full justice to the movie with the role they have played.
My favourite Hollywood actress is Jessica Alba. My favourite Hollywood actor is Leonardo DiCaprio. Lasanga is my favourite food because I like the cheesy taste of the square noodles and the sauce. My favourite book is “I Too Had a Love Story” written by Ravinder Singh.
It’s a tragic love story of Ravinder in his real life. The story is written in a very touching way. Till date I have read this book 5 times and every time it makes me cry. I couldn’t stop myself from reading the series.
I love pets. My favourite pet is dog. I like the miniature snouzer a lot because they are well behaved dogs. Gymnastics is my favourite sport. I am doing it since 5 years. I have also attended many events for the same. My favourite kind of music is country music.

I have many dislikes too. When I talk about my dislikes I like to talk about the color I hate the most, TV shows that makes me sick, movies that I hate, pets that I hate, foods that I avoid to eat etc. Generally I like all the colors except brown because I find it very dull, dark & nasty.
I never wear anything in brown and I never choose brown color for anything. The TV show which I hate the most is “Flying colors” because according to me this title does not suit the show. This stories they show does not relate to real life situations neither they makes any sense & they even fail to entertain the audiences.
This game is boring as well as stupid. I hate cats because I don’t find them friendly at all. I would never keep cats as pets and would never suggest someone I know. I eat all kinds of vegetarian and non vegetarian food because I am very foodie but I hate peas a lot. I always avoid eating peas because when we eat it it squishes inside the mouth and I hate that feeling.

Topics for discussion: Tell your new friend about your family.

 Как рассказать о семье на английском языке?

План текста «Рассказ о семье» очень прост.

  • Вступление — некие общие слова о семье, ценности семьи, либо более простое «My name is __, let me tell you about my family».
  • Основная часть — собственно, рассказ о своей семье. Расскажите о родителях, братьях, сестрах. Сколько им лет, чем они занимаются (профессия или что изучают), возможно, чем увлекаются.
  • Также можно рассказать а бабушках, дедушках, других родственниках.
  • Можно добавить подробностей о семейных традициях.
  • Завершите рассказ о семье общими словами о том, как вы друг друга любите или о важности семейных ценностей.


Sample 1

           Every person has his own family. It may be good, unusual, friendly and so on. I`d like to tell you about my family. It`s not very large. I have got a mum, a dad ......... So we are a family of ... . My mum’s name is .,. . She is ... and works at …. My dad’s name is … He is ... and works at a ….
           I go to school. I am a junior pupil, so naturally school takes up a lot of my time. I spend most of the afternoons and evenings doing my homework. My mum keeps the house. Sure I help her about the house. My dad washes the dishes and sets the table. My work is emptying the dustbin, dusting and vacuum cleaning. My mother and father do most of the shopping. My mum is a wonderful cook, and all our family likes her cooking very much.
          I am very happy to get on well with my parents, because they are my best friends and always ready to listen to me and give advice.
         You know, my parents and I are usually very busy during the weekdays and we seldom have a chance to spend time together. We can relax: visit or receive friends or relatives or just go for a walk. Sunday is the day when we can sit at a table and talk over everything that has happened during the week. Eating together makes us feel close and we often have our most useful conversations at these times.
         I especially enjoy quiet evenings, when all the members of our friendly family are at home and nobody is in a hurry, and we are quietly sitting in our large and comfortable living room, talking, joking and drinking nice hot cups of tea with something tasty.
          Almost every weekend we visit our grandparents; sometimes we visit my uncle (aunt) and his family.
            Family is very important for me, because it gives me a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of support and understanding. I feel safe when there’s a family behind me. They are people I can trust and rely on, people who won’t let me down and who share my bad times and good ones. My parents are frank and honest with me, they treat me with respect without moralizing or bossing, and I in my turn learn how to get on well with other people and how to form relationship with my classmates.

Sample 2
 For almost any person, there is nothing more important in the world than their family. I love my family too. Today I would like to tell you about them.
          My family is quite big. It consists of my mother, father, my three siblings and our cat Bob. Well, most people would say that a pet is not a family member but no one in our family would agree with that. We all love Bob and consider him a family member.
          My mother’s name is Anna, she is a teacher. She has been working in our local school for a long time. My mom teaches History and Social Studies, the subjects that I really love. She loves reading very much, and her favorite book is “A Street Cat Named Bob” by James Bowen. If you are familiar with the book, you can guess why she named our ginger cat Bob.
         My father’s name is Igor. He is a little older than mom and he used to be a police officer. He retired at a quite young age and has been running his own business ever since. He has a small coffee shop and a candy store. To be honest, I don’t know much about his business, but he says it is doing well.
          As for my siblings, I have a sister, her name is Maria, and she is the oldest one, and two brothers – Viktor and Boris. By the way, I am the youngest child in the family but I am totally happy with that role. My sister Maria is an engineer, she lives in another town but visits us at least once a month. My brothers are still students.      Viktor studies history, following in our mother’s footsteps, Boris is going to be a software developer. He is a big fan of videogames, and his dream is to develop his own game.
           In conclusion, I would like to say that I love my family and for me there is nothing more important than them. I think, they all have the same opinion. Even Bob.

                                  Topic "My Family"

Полезные слова из текста:

  • family – семья
  • mother – мать
  • father – отец
  • mom (US), mum (UK) – мама
  • dad – папа
  • brother – брат
  • sister – сестра
  • siblings – братья и сестры
  • pet – домашнее животное
  • family member – член семьи
  • to consider smb a family member – считать кого-то членом семьи
  • to be a (big) fan of smt – быть (большим) поклонником чего-то
  • To be honest – Если честно
  • to run a business – управлять бизнесом
  • He used to be… — Он раньше был… См. статью “Оборот used to”
  • to be happy with smt – быть довольным чем-то (когда что-то вполне устраивает)
  • to follow in smb’s footsteps – идти по чьим-то стопам
  • software developer – программист, разработчик программного обеспечения
  • opinion – мнение, точка зрения


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Reflexive Pronouns


Reflexive Pronouns

Возвратные местоимения. 

Пример: him + self = himself, them + selves = themselves и т.д.

ЛицоЕдинственное числоМножественное число                  
1-е лицоmyself     
себя, собой, сам,
сама, само
сама, само, сами
2-е лицоyourself     yourselves   
3-е лицоhimself   


Неопределенно-личная формаoneself [wɒnˈself]
to amuse oneself – развлекаться
to find oneself – очутиться, оказаться
to enjoy oneself – наслаждаться

1. Возвратные местоимения переводятся на русский язык следующим образом:

  • частицей -ся или -сь, которая придает глаголу возвратное значение.
  • себясебесобой – возвратным местоимением.
  • самсамасамосами – для усиления.

2. Возвратные местоимения употребляются в том случае, когда подлежащее и дополнение в предложении совпадают.

Примеры:I asked myself. – Я спросил себя.
He fell over and hurt himself when he was running for a bus. – Он споткнулся и ушибся, когда бежал за автобусом.
They saw this picture themselves. – Они сами видели эту картину.

3. Выражения by myself/by yourself/by himself и т.д. могут переводиться на русский язык следующим образом: «один, одна», «самостоятельно» или «без чей-то помощи».

Примеры:A little girl opened the door by herself. – Маленькая девочка самостоятельно открыла дверь.
I can do it by myself. – Я один могу это сделать.

4. Возвратные местоимения обычно не употребляются для выражения действий, которые люди, как правило, выполняют по отношению к себе: to wash – умываться, to dress – одеваться, to shave – бриться, to bathe – купаться, to behave – вести себя и т.д.

Примеры:She got up at 8 o’clock. She washedbrushed and dressed. – Она встала в 8 утра. Она умылась, причесалась и оделась.

Но! В повелительном наклонении данные глаголы употребляются с местоимением.

Примеры:Go and dress yourself. – Иди оденься.

5. Возвратные местоимения в английском языке не употребляются после глаголов to feel – чувствовать, to relax – расслаблять(ся), to concentrate – концентрировать(ся), заострять внимание.

Примеры:feel good. (NOT …feel myself good) – Мне хорошо.
Don’t concentrate on this question. (NOT … concentrate yourself) – Не заостряй внимание на этом вопросе.

6. Возвратные местоимения употребляются для усиления значения существительного или местоимения, т.е. для подчеркивания (именно то лицо и никто другой). Возвратные местоимения в таком употреблении часто стоят в конце предложения, хотя могут стоять и после слова, значение которого они усиливают.

Примеры:I did it myself. I myself did it. – Я сам это сделал.
The manager himself told me the truth. – Директор сам рассказал мне правду.

Reflexive Pronouns Exercise 1

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Reflexive pronouns, an interactive worksheet by alionabarbu83
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Reflexive pronouns, an interactive worksheet by victor