Showing posts with label 9th grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9th grade. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2025

9th grade. Unit 7. Lesson 1. Evolution of entertainment

👉Communicative area: giving opinion

👉Active vocabulary: application, entertainment, escape, major, multiplex, performance, spectacle, venue

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

9th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 5. Where you stand

👉Communicative area: describing a hobby, giving recommendations

👉Active vocabulary: outdoorsy, skilful, technical, thorough
What do you do in your leisure time?

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

9th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 4. Pastimes, hobbies, and interests

👉Communicative area: talking about categories of hobbies, expressing opinion
👉Active vocabulary: to catch on, craze, an enthusiast, a hobbyist, odd, rewarding; names of hobbies
Read the saying. What do you think of it? 

Look at the following explanations. Which of them do you think are true? Listen to a native speaker and check your ideas

Sunday, February 23, 2025

9th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 2. There could be some truth there.

👉Communicative area: speculating about the survey information about teen's leisure

👉Active vocabulary: to discourage, eager, guidance

👉Active grammar: modal verbs for deduction and speculation
1. What advice was given in the podcast in Lesson 1? 
2. What / who can discourage you from following it? 
3. Do you need any guidanceabout recreational activities? Why (not)? 
4. What are you eager to do in your leisure time?

Modal verbs for deduction and speculation in the present and future
(Модальные глаголы для выражения умозаключений
и предположений в настоящем и будущем)

Кроме долженствования, разрешения или способности модальные глаголы в английском языке также могут передавать степень уверенности и вероятности.

Модальные глаголы must и can’t используются для обозначения логического заключения о вероятности совершения действия, выраженного следующим за ним смысловым глаголом: 

Оба глагола не означают стопроцентную уверенность, но передают ее очень высокую степень. Уверенное предположение, выраженное глаголом must, передается в русском языке с помощью слов «должно быть», «вероятно», «скорее всего», «наверное», а глаголом can’t – с помощью слов «не может быть».

Модальные глаголы could, may, might обозначают небольшую вероятность и показывают, что говорящий не уверен и сомневается. На русский язык это переводится с помощью слов «может быть» или «возможно».

Модальные глаголы must, can’t, could, may, might, после которых используется смысловой глагол в простой неопределенной форме без частицы to, показывают степень уверенности и вероятности действий в настоящем или будущем.

После модальных глаголов may и might можно употреблять отрицательную частицу not перед смысловым глаголом.

Уверен, что это НЕ так

НЕ уверен, сомневаюсь

Уверен, что это так 

Не может быть, чтобы

Возможно, может быть

Должно быть, скорее всего 

can’t + V1

could + V1

may  +  (not) V1

might  + (not) V1 

must + V1


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

9th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 1. Is it a waste of time?

👉Communicative area: giving opinion about the role of free time

👉Active vocabulary: to indulge, leisure, to make the most of, pastime, recreational, stress relief

1. Why does Elly compare leisure to a mirage? 
2. What are the main characteristics of quality leisure? 
3. What paradox does Tim mention? 
4. What are the benefits of quality leisure? 
 5. What advice does Tim give?

Monday, February 17, 2025

9th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 9. Culture corner. Survivalism

👉Communicative area: talking about survival strategies, achieving consensus
👉Active grammar: nouns with prepositions
Read the poem by Langley Cornwell.  What is the main idea of the author?
Surviving the storm 

The morning broke 
I was alone 
No friends around 
My heart a stone 
A storm approached 
There was no breeze 
The day was still 
There were no trees 
Dark clouds rolled in 
A mist did fall 
I closed the doors 
No one to call 
My little house 
All safe and dry 
Is strong like me 
We do not cry 
We’ve weathered storms 
This house and I 
We’ve seen worse gales 
Pass us right by 
We will survive 
We always do 
This house and I 
We will get through

Thursday, January 30, 2025

9th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 7. Disaster area

👉Communicative area: talking about types of disasters

👉Active vocabulary: casualty, cause, crash, death toll, devastating, disaster, drought, earthquake, famine, flood, hailstorm, hurricane, landslide, nuclear, shipwreck, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, volcano, wildfire

1. Have you ever experienced extreme weather?
2. What was it (heavy rain, blizzard, gusts of wind, hailstorm, hurricane, thunderstorm)?
3. Was it dangerous?
4. How did you feel (scared, insecure, unsafe)?

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

9th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 3. What's the weather like today?

👉Communicative area: understanding the weather forecast and talking about it

👉Active grammar: conjunctions for and since (meaning "because")
Imagine you see a little boy in the street. The boy is wearing only one glove. 
Why? Discuss your ideas in pairs. 
They can be serious or funny.
Now listen to a popular joke. Check whose idea was closer to the joke.

1. Where do you get the weather forecast: on TV, on the radio or on the Internet?
2. Which forecasts are more accurate?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of weather forecasts on TV, on the radio and on the Internet?

Look at the symbols often used in weather forecasts. 
What do they mean?

Look at the map of Britain.

1. What cities can you see?
2. Are they in the north / south / west / east of the country?
3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

Conjunctions (cоюзы) since and for

Союзы since и for используются в сложноподчиненных предложениях в том же значении, что и because для обозначения причины. 
Since  (поскольку) чаще всего используется в начале предложения. В этом случае предполагается, что причина уже известна слушателю и поэтому не так важна.


Since the temperature increases up to 8 and 10 degrees, in Plymouth, Barnstaple and Bristol we will have a dry and warm start of the week.Поскольку температура повысится до 8 и 10 градусов, в Плимуте, Барнстапле и Бристоле нас ждет сухое и теплое начало недели.

Союз for используется, когда говорящий упоминает причину как дополнение, поэтому всегда стоит в середине предложения. Использование for характерно для письменной и формальной речи.


I suspect that was the coldest morning we will see in the next ten days for a cold front is gradually leaving Britain and moving to the north.Я подозреваю, что это было самое холодное утро за ближайшие десять дней, так как холодный фронт постепенно покидает Британию и движется на север.

Use the phrases below and make up sentences for the weather forecast. Use since and for.

Search the net and find online weather forecasts for the rest of the week for where you are and for a city in Britain. Use it to prepare a weather report for a TV weather programme. Present your weather reports.

Help box
We will see ... weather in the next ... days.
... is gradually leaving our country and moving to the north /
south / east / west.
The next few days will be spoilt with ...
The rain / snow/hail/storm chances increase greatly ...
... are going to have sunny/rainy weather with cloudy / sunny
We will have a dry and warm / a cold and misty start / end of
the week.
The rest of the day will be fi ne / dull / windy with lots of sunshine /
overcast sky / strong gusts of wind.
It will be mainly ...
A pair of sunglasses / an umbrella/ a warm scarf / ... will be
the right thing to carry around.

9th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 4. If you don't like the weather, wait a minute

👉Communicative area: talking about the weather in the UK and in Belarus

👉Active vocabulary: harsh weather, waterproofcoat, wellington boots
Look at these objects. What are they? Do you ever wear them? A person from what country would have all these objects at the same time.

1. Why do people in Britain say “If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute”?
2. Should the tourists visiting Britain worry about the weather? Why (not)?
3. Would you like to visit Britain? When? Why?

Answer the questions. Use the phrases from Simon’s interview in the box. If you’re not sure about the information search the net. 

1. What’s the weather like in Belarus? 
2. What climate do we have here?
3. Is it true that it is always cold in Belarus? 
4. What is Belarusian climate like? 
5. What about the best time to visit Belarus? 
6. What is your favourite time of the year?

Help box
… things influence our climate: … 

Belarus is a … country and has a … climate. The weather here is difficult / easy to predict. 

In general, we have … summers and … winters. Our summers are … with the temperatures around …ºC in summer and … . And the winters are … with the temperatures around …ºC. 

… is / are normally the warmest month(s). 

… is normally the coldest month. 

Probably the best months to travel in Belarus are … These months generally have... 

But even at that time be prepared for some harsh weather conditions. For example... 

It’s always advisable to bring … with you if you plan to visit Belarus. 

My favourite time of the year is … because …

Monday, January 27, 2025

9th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 2. What a wonderful day

👉Communicative area: describing the weather you like and hate

👉Active vocabulary: breeze, a gale, a gust of wind, foggy, misty, a shower, stifling

Look at the two people in the picture.
Who are they? 
What kind of weather do you think they like?

Now listen and answer the questions below. 

1. Who are they? 
2. What weather does the young man like? 
3. What weather does the elderly man like?
4. What do they decide to do on the Saturday morning?

Guess the meaning of the words in exercise above. Answer the questions below.
Which word(s)...
1. are types of wind?
2. is a type of rain? Is it a heavy or light rain?
3. describes the weather when it’s difficult to see objects buildings outside?
4. describes the hot weather when it’s difficult to breathe?
5. describes a strong wind / a light wind?
6. On a misty day it’s easier to see things around you than on a foggy day, is it true?
b. Do you agree with Alex or his granddad? Which weather do you
Help box

Look at the phrases below. Say if we use them to talk about
things we like / dislike / are neutral about.

I enjoy...                               ... is perfect for me.
I adore ...                             ... is the best
... drives me crazy            I don’t mind...
I love ...                                I’m not a fan of ...
I can’t stand ...                  I can’t bear...

What weather do you like and hate? 
What weather is OK for you?
Speak about your weather preferences.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

9th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 1. Weather from A to Z

👉Communicative area: describing different types of weather and weather phenomena

👉Active vocabulary: balmy, a blizzard, chilly, calm, crisp, damp, a disaster, a downpour, drizzling, frosty, the heat, a heatwave, humid, an icicle, overcast, a scorcher, severe, sleet, slush, a snowdrift, a snowfl ake, sunshine, a torrential rain, a weather forecast
What is weather?
Is it important to understand weather? Why?
How is weather predicted? 


Help box

Search the net. Go to one of the following websites and  choose a country / city. 

Watch the live video from this place for one minute and get ready to talk about the weather you see.