Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Job Interview for Students for IT company

 40 Interview Questions for Students (With Answer Examples)

The best way to prepare for an interview is to practice your answers to common questions that interviewers might ask. Additionally, you can make a good impression by highlighting desirable traits like your accomplishments, skills and ability to manage high priority tasks.

In this article, we provide sample interview questions and answers to help you get ready for your interview.

General questions

In a job interview, the interviewer will likely ask you several general interview questions that initiate the discussion and help the interviewer get to know you. 
  • Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • What interests you about this job?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What do you consider your weaknesses?
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • Can you describe your ideal work environment?
  • How would your peers describe you?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Do you have any questions?

Questions about experience and background

The interviewer will likely ask you questions regarding your educational background and any professional experience you might have. 
  • What courses are you currently taking?
  • What do you enjoy most about your education?
  • Do you have any experience working in a similar role?
  • What kinds of extracurricular activities do you participate in?
  • How has your academic training prepared you for a career in this industry?
  • Do you have any plans to continue your education?
  • What professional goals have you set for yourself?
  • What academic achievements do you hope to accomplish by the time you graduate?
  • Have you ever disagreed with an instructor about your grades or performance evaluations? What were your reasons?
  • What skills do you hope to gain working in this job?
In-depth questions

As you move through the job interview, you're likely to encounter more in-depth questions including:
  • How do you handle working under pressure?
  • How will you apply your current skills to this job?
  • Are you willing to work on weekends?
  • Have you ever had to resolve a conflict when working on a team?
  • Do you have any leadership experience?
  • Are you willing to attend professional development or additional training?
  • Are you comfortable with performing the required job tasks?
  • How will you be successful in this role?
  • What would you do if you had to complete a task you were unfamiliar with?
  • What kinds of people do you work best with? Why?
Interview questions with sample answers

The following interview questions and example answers can give you an idea of what to expect during your interview:

1. Why did you choose your school?

This question is meant as a way to assess whether you have a clear direction of where you're going regarding your professional and academic development. Your answer will show the interviewer that you've thought out your educational path and that you have the discipline to make sound decisions that help you achieve your goals.

Example: "I chose my university because it is a very reputable and well-established school of science, and I wanted the chance to study with some of the brightest minds in the field. My school also offered the specialization I was looking for in biomechanical engineering."

2. What is your major? What degree are you pursuing?

Interviewers ask students this question so they can get a sense of your academic and eventual career path. Describe your major and intended degree path and highlight how your academic pursuits are related to the job.

Example: "I'm pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, and my major is marketing and public relations. I'm currently involved in a class project that is teaching me essential skills like planning a campaign, using data and analytics to develop strategies and how to use different digital marketing approaches."

3. Why did you choose your major?

Interviewers want to know that you have a clear plan of where you're going in your development. Even if you're unsure about your current major, describe some of the aspects of the subject that intrigued you and connect your desire to learn with how you will succeed in the job.

Example: "I chose my major because marketing and the analytical processes it encompasses intrigue me. I also love the idea of applying what I learn within a business setting so I can help streamline overall marketing processes and meet goals that help businesses achieve a higher ROI."

4. What types of projects have you completed during your education?

Completing projects and assignments on time shows that you're responsible and organized—two traits the interviewer is likely searching for. In your answer, highlight one or two specific projects that required you to overcome challenges or develop one of your weak points.

Example: "I recently completed a mock marketing assignment for my analytics class where I had to plan out an entire strategy implementation. The biggest challenge I encountered was learning new software to input and track KPIs. The software was difficult to work with at first, but I used the tutorials and participated in a software study group after class to develop my skill with it. Learning how to use the software ultimately helped me complete my project, which I received an A for."

5. What makes you a good fit for this job?

This is a typical question that interviewers ask to gain a better understanding of how your personality fits the job requirements along with the organization's culture. Use this opportunity to showcase your teamwork, leadership and other soft skills that are relevant to the job description and describe how these skills can be a benefit to the company.

Example: "My skills in organizing and motivating teams during class projects include delegating tasks, creating evaluation methods for each stage of a project and using my peers' feedback to help us complete difficult assignments. I'm confident that this will help me fit in with your customer service team, as my ability to collaborate and focus on exceeding expectations can be a beneficial addition to the team."

6. What is your greatest weakness? 

Jenn explains what interviewers ask the question “What is your greatest weakness”, strategies for crafting a strong answer plus an example.

7. What has been your biggest academic achievement?

Interviewers ask this question so they can evaluate your ability to set goals for yourself and stay motivated to achieve them. In your answer, talk about specific objectives you set and actions you took that helped you get to your final results.

Example: "My biggest academic achievement was my recent practicum. I completed my junior year practicum teaching third graders, and my supervisor evaluated my performance at a highly effective rating. This is huge for me because I've worked long hours to develop my ability to deliver engaging lessons and create unique approaches to working with gifted students and students with learning disabilities."

8. Can you describe a time when you contributed to a team to complete a class assignment?

Teamwork is a highly desirable trait. So, if the interviewer asks this question, they are likely evaluating your ability to work as a team to accomplish a common objective. In your answer, give specific examples of actions you took and the outcomes. You can discuss specific group projects you completed, competitive teams you were a part of or another team-oriented assignment.

Example: "Most of my classes require students to work in collaborative assignments. Because of this, I've had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of people. My favorite project was a research project on the effects of parent involvement in schools. My team and I wanted to prove that parental involvement in elementary students' academics led to higher achievements, and with our joint efforts were able to increase parents' involvement in their children's school community."

9. How do you manage your priorities to meet deadlines?

Interviewers are looking for your ability to apply effective time management and organizational skills. In your answer, talk about time management strategies you've used to help you organize your assignments and complete them under tight deadlines.

Example: "I usually start by making a square grid to list each task I have to complete in order of relevance and priority. Then I complete the most time-consuming tasks first, so I can take my time focusing on getting each element right, depending on the topic of the assignment. If it's a large assignment, such as a research project, this method helps me get the bulk of the project done so I can focus on the little things last."

10. What contributions have you made to your campus community?

This question allows interviewers to get a sense of how you view your involvement and contribution to a community. If you have experience volunteering on event committees, in academic clubs or other involvement, discuss this in your answer.

Example: "This year I joined Phi Beta Kappa honor society, because I believe in their values and what they do around campus. We've held fundraiser events to fund campus improvements. So far we've established a community garden that contributes to the campus snack bar, and we also donate a third of our harvests to food banks."

11. What aspects of your studies do you enjoy most?

The interviewer wants to know what motivates you, keeps you passionate and inspires you. This can allow them to see how committed you will be if hired for the position. In your answer, highlight specific aspects of your major or a subject that you're most passionate about. You can also describe a favorite class and how your instructors inspire and motivate you.

Example: "I love my architectural design course. Since my major is architectural engineering, I favor my current design courses that challenge me to create innovative approaches to developing plans for building structures. I love the planning and designing stages as working on a design team and sharing ideas inspires and motivates me to keep improving my skills."

Monday, July 8, 2024


16 Common Interview Questions 

and How to Answer Them

Have a job interview coming up? Interview preparation is key. Before going, review the most common interview questions, plan your responses, and research the company so you can walk into that room prepared. 

When you land an interview, you’re probably excited and wondering about the most common interview questions. To prepare for your interview and make a great first impression, you can explore this list of 10 common interview questions and plan your responses to them. 

1. Tell me about yourself. 

This warm-up question is your chance to make an impactful first impression. Be prepared to describe yourself in a few sentences. You can mention: 

  • Your past experiences and how they relate to the current job

  • How your most recent job is tied to this new opportunity

  • Two of your strengths

  • One personal attribute, like a hobby or an interest

The majority of this response leans on your past work experience, with a small dash of your personal life added at the end of the response. Keep your answer to two to four minutes.

Example: “I come from a small town, where opportunities were limited. Since good schools were a rarity, I started using online learning to stay up to date with the best. That’s where I learned to code and then I went on to get my certification as a computer programmer. After I got my first job as a front-end coder, I continued to invest time in mastering both front- and back-end languages, tools, and frameworks.”

2. How did you hear about this position?

Employers want to know whether you are actively seeking out their company, heard of the role from a recruiter, or were recommended to the position by a current employee. In short, they want to know how you got to them.
If someone recommended you for the position, be sure to say their name. Don’t assume that the interviewer already knows about the referral. You’ll probably want to also follow up with how you know the person who referred you. For example, if you and Boris (who recommended you) worked together previously, or if you met him over coffee at a networking event, mention it to give yourself a little more credibility. If Boris works at the company and suggested that you apply for the job, explain why he thought you’d be the perfect fit.
If you were recruited, explain why you took the bait. Did this role sound like a good fit? Does it align with the direction you want to take your career? Even if you weren’t familiar with the organization prior to being recruited, be enthusiastic about what you’ve learned and honest about why you’re interested in moving forward with the process.

Example: “I learned about the position through LinkedIn as I’ve been following your company’s page for a while now. I’m really passionate about the work you’re doing in X, Y, and Z areas, so I was excited to apply. The required skills match well with the skills I have, and it seems like a great opportunity for me to contribute to your mission, as well as a great next move for my career.”

3. Why do you want to work for this company?

The answer to this interview question should include specifics about the company, so you’ll need to do some pre-interview research. If, for example, the company is known for its collaborative culture, you could point out successes you’ve had while collaborating with a team. 

Look for company-specific information on their website and social channels. Pay attention to the company’s mission statement, values, and the ‘About us’ section. Explore employee-specific posts on social media to learn about the company’s culture or outreach programs. Combine this information with relatable skills to show your preparedness and enthusiasm for the company. 

Example:“I'm excited about working for this company because of its excellent reputation in the industry. I believe that working for a well-respected and established organization will give me access to opportunities and experiences that will help me grow my career.”

4. What type of work environment do you prefer?

Be sure to do your homework on the organization and its culture before the interview. Your research will save you here. Your preferred environment should closely align to the company’s workplace culture (and if it doesn’t, it may not be the right fit for you). For example, you may find on the company’s website that they have a flat organizational structure or that they prioritize collaboration and autonomy. Those are key words you can mention in your answer to this question.

If the interviewer tells you something about the company that you didn’t uncover in your research, like, “Our culture appears buttoned-up from the outside, but in reality, it’s a really laid-back community with little competition among employees,” try to describe an experience you’ve had that dovetails with that. Your goal is to share how your work ethic matches that of the organization’s.

Example: “That sounds great to me. I like fast-paced work environments because they make me feel like I’m always learning and growing, but I really thrive when I’m collaborating with team members and helping people reach a collective goal as opposed to competing. My last internship was at an organization with a similar culture, and I really enjoyed that balance.”

5. Why are you leaving your current role?

When asked about leaving a previous job, be honest but positive. Even if you left a job under trying circumstances, keep your response short and upbeat. Here are some suggestions:


  • I’m looking for a company that better aligns with my values. 

  • I’m excited to find a company where I can grow my career. 

  • I’ve decided to go down a different career path.

  • My position was downsized, but I’m looking forward to a new opportunity. 

  • I’m excited to explore a culture in line with my personality. 

  • I’m ready to take on a new challenge with an innovative company. 

  • I’ve aspired to work for this company and seized the chance to apply.

6. What is your biggest weakness?

When it comes to identifying weaknesses, think about some conflicts you’ve had to overcome. Maybe it’s difficult for you to take criticism, collaborate, or make public presentations. Take these challenges and frame them with a solution. For instance, you learned to take feedback to better a project, collaborate to elevate a product’s offerings, or use presentations as a way to build your confidence.


  • I have difficulty working with others.
  • I can be disorganized.
  • I have trouble delegating work.
  • I’m timid when providing feedback.
  • I can come across as too blunt.
  • I fear public speaking.
  • I struggle with analyzing data.
  • I am indecisive.
  • I am a harsh self-critic.
  • I have a micro-management style.
  • I sometimes chat too much at the office.
  • I have trouble maintaining work-life balance.

7. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Your greatest achievement should be something specific, like bringing a new video game to a saturated market despite a lack of resources. Discuss a work-related triumph as a way to humbly mention your achievements as opposed to listing awards or accolades. This achievement should also fall in line with the company’s mission, goals, or the position’s objectives.

The best way to describe your greatest achievement while only including relevant information is to use the STAR interview method. The acronym works as follows:

S = Situation. In what context did your greatest accomplishment occur?

T = Task. What challenges did you face or what goal did you want to achieve?

A = Action. What action did you take? What skills did you use?

R = Result. What was the result? What did you learn from the experience? Why is this your greatest accomplishment?

Ideally, you should talk about a workplace accomplishment. However, you could refer to school, volunteering or even your hobbies, so long as you demonstrate transferable skills and prove you are the best person for the job.


  • Giving a great presentation at work.
  • Beating sales targets.
  • Training for and completing a marathon.
  • Organizing a successful charity event.
  • Mentoring a coworker or fellow student.

8. Tell me about a difficult situation you’ve faced and how you handled it. 

This question is really asking about your character during moments of stress. Think of a time when you faced an impossible deadline, had to choose sides, or navigated interoffice turmoil. Explain the problem, how you stayed calm, and focus on the solution that produced a resolution. 

Example: 'In my last job, I was working on a project that was behind schedule. I was feeling a lot of pressure from my manager to get things back on track. This meant that I ended up working late nights and weekends to get the project finished on time. It was a difficult situation, but I learnt a lot about time management and project planning'.

9. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations? 

The employer wants to know: Do you hold down the fort or crumble under pressure? They want to make sure that you won’t have a meltdown when the pressure becomes intense and deadlines are looming. The ability to stay calm under pressure is a highly prized talent.

Share an instance when you remained calm despite the turmoil. If it’s a skill you’re developing, acknowledge that and include the steps you’re taking to respond better to pressure in the future. For example, you could indicate that you’ve started a mindfulness practice to help you better deal with stress.

Example: “I realize stressful situation are always going to come up, and I definitely have had to learn how to navigate them throughout my career. I think I get better at it with every new experience. While working on a new product launch at my last company, for example, things were not going according to plan with my team. Instead of pointing fingers, my first reaction was to take a step back and figure out some strategies around how we could we solve the problem at hand. Previously, I may have defaulted to panicking in that situation, so being calm and collected was definitely a step forward and helped me approach the situation with more clarity.”   

10. Do you prefer working independently or on a team?

Your answer should be informed by the research you’ve done on the company culture and the job in question. Nevertheless, you should expect that most work environments will have some team aspect.

Many positions require you to work collaboratively with other people on a daily basis, while some roles require you to work on your own. When you answer this question, highlight the best traits of your personality and how they fit the job requirements. It could also be in your interest to answer this question by highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of both situations.

Example: “I enjoy a blend of the two. I like having a team to strategize with, get diverse opinions from, and reach out to for feedback. But I am also comfortable taking on assignments that require me to work independently. I find I do some of my best work when I can focus alone in a quiet space, but I really value collaborating with my teammates to come up with the best ideas.”

11.When you’re balancing multiple projects, how do you keep yourself organized?

Employers want to understand how you use your time and energy to stay productive and efficient. They’re also looking to understand if you have your own system for staying on track with the work beyond the company’s schedules and workflow plans. Be sure to emphasize that you adhere to deadlines and take them seriously.

Discuss a specific instance when you stayed on track. Talk about the importance and urgency of the projects you were working on and how you allocated your time accordingly. Explain how you remain organized and focused on the job in front of you.

Example: “I’m used to juggling projects at my current job where I’m often moving between coding one software program to another. I use the timeboxing technique to make sure they’re all on track, allocating time on my calendar for certain tasks. I’ve found it really helps me prioritize what needs to get done first, and it holds me accountable for the more repetitive day-to-day tasks I’m responsible for.”

12. What did you do in the last year to improve your knowledge?

This question may come up as a result of the pandemic. Employers want to know how people used their time differently. Know that you don’t have to feel scared about answering this question if you didn’t spend your time brushing up on skills or taking courses. We learn from any experience we have.

If you spent time honing your professional skills, you might say the following.

Example: “The extra time on my plate really allowed me to get introspective around where I want to take my career. I read a lot of journals to keep abreast of the latest ideas in my field, and sharpened my skills by taking some online courses, such as…” (and then be specific).

If you chose to work on your personal development, you could say something like the following.

Example: “Like everyone else, I, too, gained some time last year from not having to travel two hours a day to and from work. I decided to spend my time on things I love. So I got back to learning how to play the guitar and journaling. I feel it brought me closer to myself and has been really great for my mental health and productivity.”

13. What are your salary expectations?

Salary talks can be sensitive, but they’re necessary. Research a competitive salary before you go into your interview, so you don’t aim too high or low. You can use tools like a Salary Calculator or Salary Comparison and Estimator to get baseline compensation. Check out websites such as Glassdoor, Fishbowl, or for salary information. You could also ask people in the field by reaching out to your community on LinkedIn. Be sure to mention years of experience or specific certifications that enhance your value.   

Employers will always ask this question because every position is budgeted, and they want to ensure your expectations are consistent with that budget before moving forward.

Remember that it’s often better to discuss a salary range rather than a specific number during the interview and leaving room for negotiation. It’s also better to err on the side of caution and quote a slightly higher number as it’s easier to negotiate downward than upward. As a general rule of thumb, I advise not bringing up the questions about salary until your interviewer does or bringing it up too early in the process.

Example: “Based on my skills and experience and on the current industry rates, I’m looking at a salary around $____” (then fill in with your desired salary range and rationale).

14. Where do you see yourself five years from now? 

Another common interview question looks at your five-year plan. You should promote your commitment to the company while looking toward growth opportunities.  

More specifically, you can craft a response that explores your:

  • Position-related goals

  • Potential experiences within the company over the next five years

  • Possible certifications, skills, or achievements you might obtain

  • Aspirations for growth within the role 

15. Are you applying for other jobs?

Interviewers want to know if you’re genuinely interested in this position or if it’s just one of your many options. Simply, they want to know if you’re their top choice. Honesty is the best policy. If you’re applying for other jobs, say so. You don’t have to necessarily say where you’re applying unless you have another offer. But they might want to know where in the hiring process you are with other companies. You can also mention that you’re actively looking for offers if your interviewer asks.

Example: “I’ve applied to a couple of other firms, but this role is really the one I’m most excited about right now because…”

16. Do you have any questions for us? 

Typically, this is the last question of the interview, and it might be tempting to say, “No. I’m all set.” However, this question allows you to show your interest in the position. Some questions you could ask include:


  • What are the day-to-day tasks involved in this role?

  • How do you evaluate the progress of this role? 

  • What ongoing educational or training opportunities could I pursue in this role?

  • Where do you see the company in five years?

  • How would you describe the company culture?