Showing posts with label Listening B1-B2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Listening B1-B2. Show all posts

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020

11th grade. Unit 3. Lesson 1. Environmental issues (New Book)

👉 Communicative area: speaking about environmental issues
👉 Active vocabulary: aware, environment, resource depletion, deforestation, issues, interdependent, nuclear, valuable, biodiversity, species, extinct, endangered; prefix en-

1. Think of a place that you like. Describe it to your partner.

2. How would you feel if this place were destroyed?

Listen to the interview with Bill McKibben, an environmentalist and do the test to check your understanding. 

Quiz created by Veronika Bebekh with GoConqr

Prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. The prefix en- means in or within.

It is generally added to a word to make in a verb. 
In the word endangered the base of the word is danger ; when you add the prefix en-, the word becomes a verb meaning to put something at risk of being harmed, damaged or destroyed.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Listening B1-B2

Audio 008.mp3 

Listen to the conversation between two friends and answer the questions below.

1. Who benefits from a camping holiday?
2. What things can a person do at the seaside?
3. Which type of holidays is Jane likely to choose?

Write your answers in comments:

Monday, December 2, 2019

11th grade. Unit 3. Lesson 3. Animals in Danger (New Book)

1. In this The Daily Eco video we will talk about 10 animals that are currently in danger of extinction. 
Some of them are already condemned to disappear in a few years and, although there are many organizations working to preserve them, they continue to suffer day after day. 
Find out what are the main causes that these animals are at risk of disappearing forever...

Practise your vocabulary  on topic "Animals in danger" and learn more about famous celebrities helping animals in danger.
Cameron Diaz

Leo di Caprio
Natali Portman
Orlando Blum

Quiz created by Veronika Bebekh with GoConqr

Learn more about the world’s most famous primatologist, conservationist and campaigner Dr Jane Goodall in the first person.

Visit Find out about the projects that are being done at the moment and choose the one you think is the most important. Write a paragraph explaining why you would like to join it. 

Thursday, November 28, 2019

11th grade. Unit 3. Lesson 3. Deforestation (Old Book)

Listen to the interview with the Brazilian expert on rainforests Rosa Lemos de Sa, and do the test  filling in the missing words.