Showing posts with label 7th grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7th grade. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2023

7th grade. unit 8. Lesson 3. Travelling is fun, isn't it?


Put the words connected with travelling into groups.

Read the statements on travelling and express your opinion giving reasons:  

1 – I completely agree; 
2 – I mostly agree; 
3 – I’m not sure; 
4 – I mostly disagree; 
5 – I completely disagree.
  • If you want to learn about other cultures and people, you should travel.
  • Travelling is fun.
  • Travelling is dangerous.
  • Travelling is expensive.
  • Travelling with family or friends is better than travelling by yourself.
  • Travelling is a great way to improve your English.
  • You should learn the language of the country you are going to travel to.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

7th grade. Unit 8. Lesson 2. Travel blog tips


Complete the scientific facts below:

What is the best way to travel to Australia or New Zealand? Would you like to go there? Why? 
Would you prefer to travel alone or with family or friends? 

Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences:


This blog is for you if 
you’re planning a trip to Australia
• you’re looking for advice on where to travel in OZ and what to do 
• you’re looking for tips from a backpacker who has lived and worked in Australia

Backpacking is a low-cost, independent way of travelling. Backpackers take little luggage – just a backpack. They use public transport, stay at cheaper hotels, meet the locals and see the sights.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

7th grade. Unit 7. Lesson 12. Awesome Australia

 What five things do you think about when you hear the word “Australia”?

50+ Australian Slang Words You Need To Learn

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

7th grade. Unit 7. Lesson 8. Writing about your plans

Are you looking forward to the summer holidays? 

What are your plans for the summer? 

Have you made an itinerary for your holiday trip yet?

Look through the email plan. In which part of the email can you use the phrases from the box?
  •  addressing the reader 
  •  mentioning the reason for writing
  •  commenting on the previous letter 
  •  giving the news 
  •  informing about plans for the future 
  • asking for information 
  • inviting 
  • finishing off the letter 
  • postscript

Help box

  • I’m looking forward to seeing you / hearing from you. 
  • I can’t wait to see you soon / hear from you. 
  • I hope to be hearing from you soon. 
  • See you soon. 
  • Send my love to … / Give my regards to …

Answer the questions. 

1. Who will travel to Edinburgh? 

2. Why is Kate staying in Brighton in August? 

3. What news did Alex write about in his previous letter? 

4. Why is Alex luckier than Kate? 

5. Which lines from the email can be good captions for the photos?

Thursday, April 20, 2023

7th grade. Unit 7. Lesson 7. Wellington or Canberra?

Which city is the capital of Australia, which – of New Zealand?
Which holiday destination is farther from Minsk: Canberra or Wellington?
Where are the two cities situated? What do you know about them?

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

7th grade. Unit 7. Lesson 6. A royal itinerary


1. Who do you think makes itineraries for royal trips?
2. Do you have a busy schedule?
3. Do you have an interesting programme for the coming summer?
4. If a friend from abroad asks you to make a travel itinerary for a tour around Belarus, what places will you include into it?
5. What do you expect will happen during the next school year?

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

7th grade. Unit 7. Lesson 5. Plans for the trip


1. Do you travel to school by bus? 
2. Where do you get on the bus and where do you get off? 
3. Do your parents sometimes pick you up from school? 
4. Has your family got a car? 
5. How many passengers does it take? 
6. Are there seat belts for the driver and the passengers in the car? 
7. Do you always fasten your seat belt when you travel by car? 
8. When you travel by bus, train or plane, do you prefer window seats or aisle seats?

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

7th grade. Unit 7. Lesson 4. Around London


What do you think is the best way to travel from Minsk to London? Why?
What is the best way to get around London? Why do you think so? 

Monday, April 10, 2023

7th grade. Unit 7. Lesson 3. Tickets for a guided tour


7th grade. Unit 7. Lesson 2. My flight's on time

1. Have you ever travelled by train?  

2. When was the last time you travelled by train? 

3. Who bought the tickets? 

4. Was it a one-way trip or a round trip?

5. Did anyone come to see you off? 

6. Was it a good journey? Why?

Kate’s aunt Jill is at Heathrow Airport (London). Kate has come to see her off. Listen to the conversation at the airport and answer the questions.


1. Who is flying to Australia? 

2. Why is Aunt Jill in a hurry? 

3. Where is she flying? 

4. What is Kate doing at the airport? 

5. Have they arrived in time to catch the plane? 

6. Is Aunt Jill going to catch the plane or miss it? 

7. Is her flight on time? 

8. When does the flight leave? 

9. When does it arrive in Sydney? 

10. Why do you think Aunt Jill forgot about the luggage? 

11. Where does she have to go now? Why?

Ways to express future actions

Будущее действие, процесс или состояние можно передать следующими способами:

1. Future Simple, если решение принимается во время разговора:

I'll do it later. – Я сделаю это потом.

2. Конструкцией be going to, если это намерение, “решение” принято до начала разговора:

I am going to do it later. – Я собираюсь сделать это позже.

3. Present Simple, если событие – часть какого-либо расписания:

What time does your plane leave? – Во сколько вылетает ваш / твой самолёт?

4. Present Continuous, если речь идёт о зафиксированном плане или договорённости:

What are you doing this evening? – Какие у тебя планы на сегодня? Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером?

We are going to the Zoo next Saturday. – В следующую субботу мы идём в зоопарк.

I am leaving tomorrow morning. – Я уезжаю завтра утром.

Monday, April 3, 2023

7th grade. Unit 7. Lesson 1. Single or return?


I. Определённый артикль употребляется

1. С названиями большинства политических и государственных учреждений:

The Kremlin, The House of Lords, the Houses of Parliament, the Army etc.

2. С названиями, в которых есть предлог ‘of’:

The University of London (Cf: London University)

3. С названиями, состоящими из существительного или прилагательного в сочетании с другим существительным:

The Empire State Building, The White House, etc.

4. С названиями театров, музеев, картинных галерей, кинотеатров, концертных залов, отелей, уникальных произведений искусства, книг и газет:

The Tate Gallery, the Bolshoi Theatre, the Hermitage, The Opera House, The Bible, the Mona Liza, The Times, The Guardian ( без артикля – газета Today и иностранные газеты и журналы – Komsomolskaya Pravda, etc.)

5. С названиями спортивных событий:

The Olympic Games, the World Cup, etc.

II. Артикль не употребляется

1. C названиями, состоящими из имени собственного или сочетания имени собственного с другим существительным:

McDonald’s, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Cambridge University, Waterloo Station, etc.

2. С названиями аэропортов, станций и мостов, большинства улиц, проспектов, дорог, парков, площадей:

Tower Bridge, Heathrow, Trafalgar Square, Fleet Street, Gorky Park, etc.

3. С названиями компаний:

British Airways (если в названии присутствует слово “company”, артикль возможен)

Friday, March 31, 2023

7th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 12. Bristol

 Watch the official tourist guide to Bristol and answer the question: 

Why is Bristol worth visiting?

Read the text about Bristol and match the headings with the paragraphs. There are more headings than you need.

Quiz created by Veronika Bebekh with GoConqr

Answer the questions.

1. Where is Bristol situated? 
2. Why is it popular with tourists? 
3. When was Bristol founded? 
4. What happened to the city during World War II? 
5. Where should you go if you want to see an archaeological exhibition? 
6. Is Bristol a green city? Why? Why not?
7. Is Bristol a good place for shopping? Why? Why not? 
8. In which part of Bristol can you find a lot of cafes, restaurants and clubs?

Listen to a boy talking about his hometown and answer the questions.

1. Where is his hometown located? 
2. What can you see around his town? 
3. Does he live in an industrial town? 
4. What can you find in the centre of the town?
5. What are houses like in his hometown? 
6. What are the tallest buildings? 
7. Are there any famous sights in his town? What do you remember about them?
8. What’s the best thing about his town?

Thursday, March 16, 2023

7th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 8. What a sight!


1. Do you like travelling?
2. When you visit a new city, what do you like to do there?
3. Do you like going sightseeing?
4. How do you decide which sights are worth visiting?
5. Do you find information on the Internet or ask people who have already been there?

Read the advice below. Think how you write letters.
Are any of your ideas mentioned there?

When we write a letter about a famous sight, we can divide it into four parts (in addition to the opening and closing).

The first part includes the name of the place, where it is located and what it looks like.
In the second part, we write about the history of this place.
In the third part, we describe what visitors can see and do there.
In the last part, we recommend a visit to this place.

Present tenses are usually used to describe this sight and past tenses are used to write about historical facts.
The passive voice is also often used in this type of descriptions.

Monday, March 13, 2023

7th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 7. Do you know your country?

Look at the pictures and say what you can see in them. 
What Belarusian cities are these sights located in? What do you know about these cities?

the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Великое княжество Литовское
“Zamak Mindouha” - «Замок Миндовга»
was burnt down - был сожжен
the Swedes - шведы
“birchbark” - «береста»
the western gate - западные ворота
fortress - крепость
Eastern Slavic towns - восточнославянские города
an important centre of trade - важный центр торговли
the Cathedral of Saint Sophia - собор Святой Софии
organ music - органная музыка

Listen again and answer the questions. Which city...
1. plans to improve its public transport system?
2. is called the cultural capital of Belarus? 
3. was a capital city? 
4. has a cathedral where you can listen to organ music? 
5. has a famous site which was destroyed in the 18th century? 
6. is famous for its palace? 
7. is the oldest of the cities mentioned?
8. was founded by a princess? 
9. needs to change its road system? 
10. has a name connected with birch trees?

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

7th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 6. Future cities


Are modern cities ideal? 
Do you think all problems are solved in modern cities and villages? 
Make a list of problems that they have.