Monday, March 13, 2023

Topics for discussion: Tell your new friends about your working day.


I don’t feel like speaking about my working day in detail. The everyday routine is of no interest to anybody but everyday life is something that makes an essential part of our life.

So my day starts when I hear my alarm clock rings or my mother’s voice: “Alex, it’s time to get up”. Though I am a heavy-sleeper I can easily return to reality after my night dreams. The thing that helps me do that is a cool shower which I take every morning with a great pleasure. One more thing which helps me  raise the spirits in the morning is music and I switch on my cell-phone while dressing.

It doesn’t take me long to get dressed. As soon as I have done it I am ready to have breakfast. Some people say that they like to begin their day well so their breakfast is good. They make it rather substantial. With me it is different. I prefer having a cup of tea with a sandwich or some corn flakes with milk. But after having breakfast like this I soon feel hungry and at about 11 o'clock I have a bite at our school canteen. My lessons are over at 2 o’clock.

Sometimes I have extra classes after school or I go to the library to get ready for my classes or to write a report.

When I am back home I have dinner. This time I eat a lot: for example soup for the first course, meat or fish with some vegetables for the second and something for dessert. After hard work at school and after a heavy dinner I feel tired and sleepy. So rather often I have a nap. Sometimes, very seldom to be more exact, I meet my friends to have a chat or I go for a short walk. Then it’s time for me to get down to doing my homework. It takes me 1 or 2 hours to do it. Rather often I have to sit up late especially on those days when we have to write a composition or to make a report. As a rule I am through with my tasks at about 6. Then I have 4 hours at my disposal which can be spent on playing computer games, reading , watching TV and what not.

I am afraid that you have got an impression that I never do anything about the house. Certainly, I do. It is my everyday duty to tidy up the rooms twice a week, I do the vacuum cleaning and once in a while I go shopping, that I hate most of all, but nevertheless I can kill two birds with one stone – having a walk and doing some useful work.

At about 11 o’clock I go to bed to get up early next morning to begin everything anew.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that most of us today run in the fast line of life and I pay close attention to what I do with my time and use any possibility to gain extra free time, which helps get rid  of tiredness. Of course, physical rest is very important,  but we need soul rest – or little me time which you can get from reading a book,  watching a good film or just mixing with your relatives and friends.  And it has been wisely noted that after spiritual rest we feel strengthened,  patient and hopeful.

5. Tell your new friends about your working day.

1) Do you like school lunches?

2) What do you do to help your parents with house chores?

3) Do you have much free time on weekdays?

4) What do you usually do in the evenings?

11. Describe a working day in your life. Say what you like and don’t like to do.

1) What do you like about school most of all?

2) How do you help your parents with house chores?

3) Do you have enough free time on weekdays?

4) What is your most difficult school day?

17. Do you agree that children are very busy? Tell us what you usually have to do on weekdays.

1) What do you dislike most about your school?

2) What do you do to help your parents about the house?

3) What dishes can you cook? Do you often do it on weekdays?

4) Do you usually plan your day?

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