Monday, March 13, 2023

7th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 7. Do you know your country?

Look at the pictures and say what you can see in them. 
What Belarusian cities are these sights located in? What do you know about these cities?

the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Великое княжество Литовское
“Zamak Mindouha” - «Замок Миндовга»
was burnt down - был сожжен
the Swedes - шведы
“birchbark” - «береста»
the western gate - западные ворота
fortress - крепость
Eastern Slavic towns - восточнославянские города
an important centre of trade - важный центр торговли
the Cathedral of Saint Sophia - собор Святой Софии
organ music - органная музыка

Listen again and answer the questions. Which city...
1. plans to improve its public transport system?
2. is called the cultural capital of Belarus? 
3. was a capital city? 
4. has a cathedral where you can listen to organ music? 
5. has a famous site which was destroyed in the 18th century? 
6. is famous for its palace? 
7. is the oldest of the cities mentioned?
8. was founded by a princess? 
9. needs to change its road system? 
10. has a name connected with birch trees?

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