Friday, July 29, 2022

IELTS Writing Task 1: Bar Chart 2


Gross Domestic Product in the UK

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart shows components of GDP in the UK from 1992 to 2000.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

IELTS Bar Chart
Components of GDP in the UK from 1992 to 2000


  1. The bar chart presents percentage comparisons between gross domestic products generated from the IT and Service Industry in the UK from 1992 to 2000.
    Overall, it can be seen that mostly every year the amount of percentage was increased by both products. However, there are similarities and differences in a growth rate.
    At the outset of the period, in 1992, the Service Industry accounted for 4 per cent of GDP while IT took a total of 6. Over the next four years products had the same contrast but at a higher level. At the middle of the period IT marginally dropped down though it didn’t loose the primacy. Nevertheless, this kind of products had shot up by the 2000, when the Service Industry stayed barely at the same level.
    From the beginning to the end IT remained at a higher rate throughout the time, whereas Service Industry stayed at a lower one.

  2. The answer meets the requirements of the task. The intro explains what the graph is about and gives an overview of the main points. The body paragraphs are oredered logically and clearly. The correct tense - the past - is used. The conclusion summarises the whole tendency.
    Pay attention to your mistakes.
    *In the middle, * it didn’t lose, *by 2000

  3. The bar chart shows components of GDP in the UK from 1992 to 2000. Comparison takes place between gross domestic product from IT and Service Industry of the UK.
    In 1992, the percentage of IT industry was 6 percent of GDP, while the service Industry accounted for 4 percent of the UK's GDP. Over the next 4 years, the percentage of both areas rose up to the region of 7-8 percent.
    Over the course of 8 years, the scales of two components have risen and growth values ​​were completely different. On the other hand, IT had a negative figure in 1996, while the percentage of service increased slightly. Over the course of 8 years, the percentage of service Industry has doubled.

  4. The bar chart presents us grouth of GDP in the UK from 1992 to 2000. The table shows us in percentages. Generally,it seems that the figures of IT and Service Industry rise gradually,but the IT increase steadily throughout the whole time.
    In 1992 , the service industry hit 4 percent,while the percentage of IT reached 6 percent. A little later,the components practically have no differences,it flactuate between 6 and 8 percent. By 1996 the IT descend,but not significantly,it was a mere than 8 percent. Nevertheless,the IT grew up sharply,and reached a pick in 2000,the percentage took a little more than 14 percent,while the service industry rose slightly. To sum up, by 2000,it was approximately 8 percent.
    Thus,the bar chart shows us,that the GDP of IT rise considerably over a period,while the Service Industry stay nearly the same for the whole time.

    1. The bar chart presents us growth of GDP in the UK from 1992 to 2000. The table shows us the data in percentages. Generally, it seems that the figures of IT and Service Industry rise gradually, but the IT increases steadily throughout the whole time.
      In 1992 , the service industry hit 4 percent, while the percentage of IT reached 6 percent. Within the period of 1994 the components practically had no differences, it fluctuated between 6 and 8 percent. By 1996 the IT descended, but not significantly, it was a mere than 8 percent. Nevertheless, from 1996 to 2000 the GDP of IT grew up sharply and reached its pick in 2000, the percentage took a little more than 14 percent, while the service industry profit rose slightly. To sum up, by 2000, it was approximately 8 percent.
      Overall ,the bar chart shows, that the GDP of IT rose considerably over a period, while the Service Industry stayed nearly the same for the whole time.
