Monday, July 25, 2022

IELTS Writing Task 1: Bar Chart 1

Holiday Leisure Activities

The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

IELTS Bar Chart


  1. The bar chart presents the amount of hours every day which Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian people provide during the holiday in Greece in August 2019. The holiday activities were going to the beach, reading and visiting different sites.
    Overall, we can see that the highest point was hit by Chinese people reading books eight hours a day. Also by Brazilian people spending six hours at the beach. The lowest point was hit by Chinese people again, visiting places one hour a day.
    As for similarities, both Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent four hours a day reading books, whereas American groups spent one more hour. The same about Turkish and American people. They spent the total amount of three hours a day visiting places, while Brazilian people spent one hour less.

  2. Well-done, but the volume of your essay should be a bit bigger. Don't forget about the order of the words in the sentence and the structure of the sentence. Use more linking words!
    The bar chart presents the amount of hours * which Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian people *entertain themselves during the holiday in Greece in August 2019. The holiday activities were going to the beach, reading and visiting different sites.
    Overall, we can see that the highest point was hit by Chinese people reading books * that took up eight hours a day. Another activity which is extremely popular among Brazilian people is lying on the beach for six hours. The lowest point was hit by Chinese people again, visiting places for one hour a day.
    As for similarities, both Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent four hours a day reading books, whereas American groups spent an hour more on this activity than two nations mentioned above. The same can be assumed about Turkish and American people. They spent the total amount of three hours a day visiting places, while Brazilian people went sightseeing one hour less.

  3. To begin with, I'd like to say, that the bar chart shows us how tourists from foreign countries spend their time on vacation in Greece in August 2019. In addition to, there are three kind of relax :going to the beach,reading books and visiting places.

    Generally ,the most part takes reading books,while the least part takes visiting places. Thus,the Chinese tourists reach a pick of reading books,they spend about eight hours per day while the Brazilian and Turkish groups spend their own time of reading books twice smaller. Nevertheless,the bar chart presents us,that the Brazilian tourists attend beach more often than other tourists,they spent about six hours per day.
    Approximately the American and the Turkish tourists spent the same amount of time by visiting sites. In comparison with the Chinese tourists,they spent a little amount of visiting places.The Brazilian tourist spent nearly the same time of visiting places,but a little more than Chinese group.

  4. The bar chart provides information about the amount of time each day that tourists from four various countries spent doing activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.Their activities include going to the beach,reading books and visiting different places.
    Overall,the tourists spent the most of their time reading books and the least time they spent visiting places.
    The Chinese tourists spent the longest reading books with eight hours per day.On the contrary,the Turkish and American tourists spent the least time reading with four hours per day.And the Americans spent the average time reading books.
    The Brazilians spent the longest at the beach with a total of six hours while The Chinese spent at the beach one hour a day.The American and Turkish tourists spent almost the same amount of time at the beach with only difference in one hour.
    The American and Turkish tourists spent the same amount of hours visiting places with a total of 3 hours whereas the Chinese visit places only one hour per day.
