Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Exam Topics. National Character and Stereotypes

We often see other nationalities as having a set of characteristics which set them apart from others. We may not like them, but consciously or subconsciously we absorb, use and spread stereotypes. We all return from holiday destinations with tales of what local people there are like. Having met only a few representatives of the nation, we are tempted to generalize and attribute the qualities of one person to the whole nation.

Some stereotypes about cultures or nationalities may be positive, even amusing when presented as jokes and anecdotes. But quite often they have become a source of anger, conflicts and racist behavior which creates barriers between people and even nations.

The more famous the nation is, the more swayed by stereotypes it is. And there isn’t a nation in the world which is more discussed and more stereotyped than the British are. A nation of gentlemen, tea drinkers, pub goers, animal lovers and football fans – these are the most widely spread images of this nation. The British are also famous for their tolerance and sense of humour, yet they don’t always say what they think and can be intentionally rude. The British are really conservative; they love familiar things in familiar places. Their conservatism may be illustrated by the attitude to the monarchy.

Britain is known as the land of law and order. So the best reason for the British to do something in a certain way is that it has always been done in that way. For example, their theatres are closed on Sundays. This was decided by the law in the days of Shakespeare and since that time the law has been in force.

The British have a cult of privacy. They protect their privacy. England is the land of brick fences, stone walls, hedges. They are a nation of stays-at-home. As the proverb says, “An Englishman’s home is his castle”. Gardening is still one of the most popular hobbies in the country.

However, the British are not one nationality but four, who all see each other differently. The Welsh are considered to be a much more talkative group. And indeed Wales has produced many preachers and trade union leaders, particularly in the 19th century. In contrast, the Scots are seen as more serious.

But today Britain is a multicultural society because of the large scale immigration to Britain. These ”new British” people have brought widely differing sets of attitudes with them. In spite of different accents, cultural backgrounds and different views, they are still all part of an island race, whose culture and customs are mixed so well together that they produce a British identity.

The American nation, however, is more difficult to generalize due to the diversity and multiculturalism of its population. The United States is often called a melting pot, which means that people from many lands have come together and formed a unified culture. Americans have many things in common, for instance the vast majority of them speak English, people throughout the country dress similarly and eat many of the same kinds of foods.

American society seems to be much less formal than the British, both   in language, greetings and the manner of dress. Americans are proud of their individualism and an enormous feeling of patriotism. American society is considered to be a haven for those who long for freedom and opportunities. Right for freedom is the first one, mentioned in the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights and it is the most precious one for most Americans. Volunteerism is the soul of American community and political life. Volunteering means helping people without being paid and the willingness to participate is so widespread that six out of ten Americans are members of a volunteer or charity organization.  These values have developed historically through wars and struggles that’s why they are so appreciated.

As a nation of immigrants, Americans are always ready to move to a new place hoping to find a better job or enjoy climate. Most Americans take it for granted that they may live in four or five cities during their lifetime. Mobility in America is not a sign of aimlessness but optimism.

Belarusian traditions and features of the national character were formed in the course of complex history. The area of the country was an arena for many military conflicts, World Wars, national liberation revolts, revolutions and repressions. So our extraordinary history cultivated special character traits: the main of them tolerance and diligence. Different from anyone else, Belarusians are able to adapt to any circumstances – not to change them, but to change themselves, to accept these circumstances, to live them naturally, in harmony and even with pleasure.

 Belarusians are known to be hardworking people but at the same time very homely. That’s why life of a typical Belarusian is basically centered on work and family. They don`t lose their temper and patience. Belarusian people are tolerant; but at the same time they are reserved, not very jolly and rather pessimistic. The Belarusians are open, friendly and very hospitable. Belarusians are true potato eaters and the potato is even called “the second bread”.

In conclusion, I want to say that the 21st century is marked by a huge free flow of information exchange on the Internet. It has brought a lot of advantages, but also wide distribution of false information. So take everything you see and read with a grain of salt. Don’t judge people by their appearance, skin colour or nationality. If you want to get a healthy outlook on the world, you should travel more. Get to know the world and people through your own experience and get rid of prejudice. Crush stereotypes, celebrate individuality, and you will learn, grow and be a happier person.

Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes.

1. What can you tell me about the Belarusian people?

2. Is there anything you want to change in your character?

3. What questions will you ask me to understand what kind of person I am?

4. Your British friend wants to discover Belarusian cuisine. What advice will you give him/her?

5. Why do you think we should be suspicious of stereotypes?

Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes

1.     How will you describe a typical Belarusian?

2.     Is it true that Belarusians eat potatoes with every meal?

3.     What questions will you ask your British friend to find out their opinion about our country?

4.     Give me a piece of advice on how to choose the right person to do a project together.

5.     We can’t believe all the stereotypes about different nationalities. What do you think about it?Write the answers to the questions in comments. Answers will be graded.


  1. 1)
    Good hospitable people live in Belarus. Children are brought up and raised in love and respect for their elders.
    Belarusians respect people of other faith, they are also very hardworking people
    2)I think nothing.
    what are your hobbies? What genre of books do you prefer? What was your favorite subject at school? Do you like holidays with your family or friends? What are you most afraid of? What do you like most about people?
    Belarusian cuisine is unique and very diverse. The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning the national cuisine of Belarus is potatoes, so I would advise you to try potato dishes. All Belarusian soups are very thick and more like puree soups, so this dish is also worth trying. Most of the dishes of Belarusian cuisine are hearty and very tasty.
    In the perception of many people, each country is given some kind of stereotype. But this may not be true, but to understand this, you need to make an effort and learn more about other countries and cultures. But, unfortunately, people find it much easier to use already established stereotypes. There are a lot of such stereotypes and each in its own way affects a person's life - both positively and negatively.

  2. 1. Belarus has friendly and good-natured people. The patience and peacefulness of Belarusians are largely determined by the history, which is full of wars. Although the Belarusians have never started them. Belarus is interested in making the guests more familiar with the culture and traditions of the country.
    2.I believe that the national character is all right in principle. but, like everywhere else, there are outstanding people here. I wish there was less greed and impoliteness. Also, Belarusians are sometimes too patient, they can simply keep silent about what they are not satisfied with.
    3.How would your friends describe you?
    Who is your favorite author?
    What are you most afraid of?
    Is your glass half full or half empty?
    How many languages do you know?
    If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
    4. The national cuisine of Belarus combines many small taste features of other countries. But, despite this, even in its own way it is unique and very diverse. Some of the most popular dishes are draniki, nalistniki, kolduny, mochanka and kulaga.
    5.This is a rather complicated question. Just recently I began to notice that when I look at passers-by, I immediately have guesses about their lives. It seems to me that these are stereotypes, because we judge something as generically as possible, without knowing whether is it true. So in this way it's easily to hurt someone's feelings or get into an awkward situation

    1. The second question implies changes in your own character not in Belarusian national character in general.
      Your mark is an eight.

  3. 1. I can say with complete confidence that our people are very united. if you go through all the known facts, which are also stereotypes, then our people are friendly, hospitable and hardworking.
    2. I think our people lack a little courage and determination. and of course, our people need more tolerance. we also have the problem of corruption, so we need less greed.
    3. 1) How do you feel about people with a non-standard orientation?
    2) How do you feel about alcohol, cigarettes and drugs?
    3) What do you think needs to be changed in our country? Worldwide?
    4) What is your most vivid memory of your life?
    5) What do you want from life, from the future?
    4. First of all, I think you must try Belarusian potato pancakes, borscht, mochanka, fried potatoes on charcoal. then at first you are going to try the national Belarusian cuisine, after that you try the dishes from Belarusian chefs.
    5. Stereotypes are formed from superficial information about some people or things, which is often then appropriated to others. Stereotypes do not describe a person or thing from one opinion. Stereotypes create clichés out of people that are assigned to the entire nation. you can talk and talk a lot about it.

    1. The second question implies changes in your own character not in Belarusian national character in general. The fifth question implies expressing your opinion on why we shouldn't rely on stereotypes while judging people, not general definition of stereotypes.
      Your mark is a seven.

  4. 1)If you ask any person who has communicated with Belarusians and been to Belarus, he will say that this people is very hospitable, kind, hardworking and responsive. I think so, too.
    2)I believe that everyone wants to change at least something in their character, but it is better to accept their character as it is.
    3)Of course, you can say the saying "Tell me who's who, and I'll tell you who you are" but I would ask other questions like:
    1.Do you have a dream? If so, which one?
    2.What do you like to do in your free time from school/work?
    3.How do you see your future?
    4)In every city of Belarus there is a restaurant / cafe with exclusively Belarusian cuisine, I would advise you to look there first and try the most popular Belarusian dishes.
    5)Everyone should think first of all with their own head. You do not need to adhere to any stereotypes.

    1. Very good! The only thing: I would like more extended answers....
      Pay attention to your mistake: ✔people are very hospitable
      Your mark is a nine.

  5. 1. Our people are hard-working, patient and peaceful. Life of a typical Belarusian is centered on work and family. Belarusian people are tolerant. But, when you walk on the street, people look rather pessimistic and tired.
    2. It's believed that our people are quite homely and closed. So, I would like to become less shy and more sociable. I think that would be useful to me in future life.
    3. What would you like to change about yourself if you could?
    What are your hobbies?
    What is your biggest achievement?
    What's your favorite movie?
    Would you choose intelligence or appearance?
    What country would you like to visit?
    4. Belarusian national cuisine is quite unique and diverse. First of all, I would recommend draniki - potato "pancakes", because I love them. I also recommend kholodnik, a great dish in the hot season. I also recommend nalistniki-pancakes with a variety of fillings (sour cream, jam, honey, etc.).
    5. I think we should be suspicious of stereotypes, because each person has his own character and you can't characterize a nation by a few people you met somewhere on vacation in another country. We need to travel more and get to know people, their culture and traditions. Perhaps some stereotypes will match, and some won't. It's all subjective.

  6. 1. One of the main stereotypes about our nation is our generosity and hospitality. And it is really truth, “all for others nothing for yourself”. I think it is not always good. Also we are known as hardworking and pretty tolerant people.
    2. No, I don’t want to change my character. If I didn’t have any peculiarities of my character(even bad one) I wouldn’t be me. But if the question is about character of my nation, I want the Belarusians to be more responsible for their doings.
    3. How would you describe yourself? What are your hobbies? What do you like most about yourself/about people? What is your dream job?
    4. Go the cafe “Vasilki” and try something that you would like according to the description of the menu. I can only advice him or her draniki or potato pancakes. But I think that we should warn people about the quantity of potato in most of our dishes.
    5. we have a lot stereotypes of all countries all over the world. And the acceptance of stereotypes occurs subconsciously, and when we come to the country and don’t see “something” in the characters of people we are surprised like “what is going on? I was just ready to notice the British who go with a cup of tea without parting”. I think that we must abandon stereotypes but I think that it is impossible.

  7. 1)The Belarusian people are very friendly, hardworking, good-natured, honestly, peaceful and so on. You can talk endlessly about Belarusians as they say to help you in any situation.
    2) I believe that nothing needs to be changed. My people have an amazing character. Yes, there are people who do not behave from their best side. But basically all people are patient and welcoming.
    3) 1. In which company do you feel in your place? Big or small? Why? 2.Do you play sports? 3. Do you believe in any religion? 4. How do you treat people with a different orientation, a different skin color?
    4) I would advise him to try the most famous dishes of Belarusian cuisine. Such as draniki, borscht and pancakes with cottage cheese. I believe that everyone will be delighted with these dishes.
    5) Many stereotypes are not true. There are a lot of stereotypes about each nation, but if you get to know better, it happens that this is not at all the case. The same can be said about Belarusians, everyone thinks that we only eat potatoes, although this is not so. Do not trust all stereotypes, because they can be fictions and lies.

    1. The second question implies changes in your own character not in Belarusian national character in general.
      Pay attention to your mistake: The Belarusian people are very friendly, hardworking, good-natured, ✔ honest...
      Your mark is an eight.

  8. 1. As a native Belarusian i can claim that even though our nation is considered to be the nation of hospitable, generous, hardworking, tolerant, kind people this is not always the truth. If you visit one day Belarus you'll definetely notice that Belarusians are gloomy and self-closed people with a big dedication to the work.
    2. Of course. I'd like to become more indifferent to people and lose empathy. Also as i think it's necessary to become more confident and determined to achieve all the goals i've set for myself.
    3.What was the last book you read?
    How can u describe yourself?
    What are your goals?
    Have you ever thought about changing something in your life?
    What bothers you?
    4.I'd advise him/her to try to cook some of the most famous disches from the blr cuisine in order not to only taste the cuisine but also to discover some new combinations or cooking methods which are peculiar to the cuisine.
    5. As a fact each stereotype hasn't appeared from nothing and in 99% percents have very deep "roots" which are based at experience of passed generation. Moreover stereotypes can show the features of particular nations at least on the international level. Studying the stereotypes u'll definetely notice that the goal of them is not to offend or discriminate someone but to distinguish basing at the most unique features.


  9. 1. We, Belarusians, are very hospitable and tolerate people. Of course, there are stereotypes about any nation. And Belarusians aren't an exception. But mostly we are really friendly and patient, we treat others with warmth, and we are always ready to help. Sometimes we try to help everyone around, completely forgetting about ourselves.

    2. I think we all have something we want to change in our character: someone more, someone less. As for me I'd like to become more productive, because from time to time I prefer to procrastinate rather than do any important work.

    3. what are your hobbies?
    What genres do you prefer in films and books?
    How do you feel about the problems of modern society?
    What are the most important things in a person in your opinion?

    4. Belarusian cuisine is very different and tasty. You can find any dish from soups to salads. But the main product in Belarusian cuisine is potato. So get ready to taste a lot of dishes with this vegetable. As for me, I really like our cuisine, I would advice you to try draniki and pancakes with different fillings.

    5. In most cases, stereotypes are not true. You can't put millions of people from one country to the same level. Some people may fit and some may not. Of course, stereotypes have formed over the years, but this doesn't give a reason to consider them absolutely true.

  10. 1. Belarusians are considered to be open, friendly and very hospitable. But, of course, there are exceptions. They are usually reserved, not very jolly and rather pessimistic.
    People here are peaceful, they respect their history and older generation a lot.

    2. No, I don't want to change anything in my character. Because all my character traits form my personality. But if we talk about Belarusian national character I think people should be more responsible and optimistic.

    3. What are your hobbies?
    What do you appreciate most in people?
    What is your dream job?

    4. In Minsk you can find a lot of restaurants and cafes with Belarusian cuisine. Visit one of them, look through the menu and try whatever you want. But, of course, the taste of the dishes is different in different places.

    5. We should be suspicious of stereotypes because they are not always true.
    We shouldn't judge people and our opinion about them shouldn't be based on national or any other stereotypes.
