Tuesday, May 19, 2020

10th Grade: Unit 9. Lesson 1. Education in Belarus

1. Scan the text and write in comments on the blog what Alan wants to know and what project he is currently working on.

       Dear Belarusian friends, 
My name is Alan Johns. I found your school website on the Internet and was extremely pleased as it hadn’t been very easy to find one. We are currently working on a big project “Life in European Countries”. I’ve chosen Belarus. I am curious to learn as much about your country as possible. I found a lot of information on the Internet but fi rst hand experience is invaluable. It would be great if you could help me.
      I am 16 and I study at the sixth-form college in Guildford (Surrey, England). Before that I studied at a comprehensive school. I fi nished school and passed the GCSE exams. It᾿s my fi rst year at college. A sixth-form college is an educational institution in  England where students aged 16 to 19 study for  advanced school-level qualifi cations, such as A-levels. University enrollment normally requires at least three A-level qualifi - cations. I study Art and Design, Information and Communication Technology, Mathematics and Russian. In England education is compulsory until the end of year 11, or till you turn 16. Post-16 education can take a number of forms: either academic or vocational. 
     Students at sixth-form college typically study for two years and sit A-level examinations at the end of the second year. Please tell me something about your education system and whatever else you fi nd important to say about your education. 
Hope to hear from you soon. 
Best regards, 
2. Read the text to learn about education in Belarus.

Dear Alan, 
       It was so nice to get your message and fi nd out that young people in Britain are interested in Belarus. We are happy to answer all your questions and help you with the project. Writing in English will also help us improve our command of the language which is very good because a new oral exam has been introduced and we are all eager to pass it well. 
         Education in Belarus is free at all levels except higher education. Though a big number of students who have performed well at the school-leaving and entrance exams, study for free. 
        Pre-school education is not compulsory in Belarus but around 70% of children attend nurseries or kindergartens before they start school. Most children in Belarus start school at 6. All pupils follow the basic education curriculum up to the age of 15 and after that decide to either continue school education at school or start vocational training. 
        We have chosen to complete our education at 17 which gives us a good chance to enter a university. Those who choose professional training have equal chances to enter a university if they wish. 
       There are two official languages  within the education system – Belarusian and Russian. 
       Belarus has one of the highest student-to-population ratios in Europe because our universities off er high quality education and aff ordable prices. 
      Most courses run for 4–5 years and students can choose to study full time or by correspondence. Grants are available for full-time students and scholarships are awarded to very gifted ones.
       All higher education establishments are governed by the Ministry of Education in Belarus. There are more than 50 of them in Belarus. 
       We hope that this information is sufficient. If not, we will provide you with more details. Feel free to ask us whatever you want to know. We are very happy to write about the country we love. 
With best wishes, 
Nastia, Dasha, Vlad and Anton

3. Choose a format in which you will write about the education system of Belarus: official information of the Ministry of Education, web-site of your school, informal letter to a friend. Write the text in the format you choose in comments.


  1. Dear Baddffg
    How are you? Not so far I’ve got your letter and I was glad to hear from you that you want to attend my town at the nearest time. So, now I’m writing to tell you that information that you wanted to know in the last letter. I am alive but a little tired of playing games and staying at home every day.
    It is a little bit strange that you think that our educational system is unusual. Yes, I know that there are a lot of differences but I think that you should understand everything better.
    In our country we have got 11 classes, but only 9 of them are required. The years of education in the first till fourth classes we can call primary school… There we learn the base of few important subjects like counting at math or writing and reading at Russian and Belorussian and, of course, the rules of English. From grades 5 to 9, we learn everything that the education system of our country provides us with. Overcoming 9 years of compulsory education we pass the exams and decide: to stay at school for another two years to order the opportunity to go to the higher education institutes or finally leave this place and find yourself somewhere else. At the 10th - 11th grades we learn profile subjects for passing exams successfully. After school we can choose profession based on our preferences and our knowledge.
    At school we rarely haven’t got any uniform but we must wear classic style of clothes. Sometimes we have got school trips around our country or even abroad. We have holidays 4 times in a year. So, I think that you have enough of the information for today!!! If you want to know more just google it. Now I am going to play another stupid computer game… Bye-bye!!
    Your sincerely, Agatha.

    1. In general it's well-done! Don't use "that" for a few times in your letter, other mistakes: "that information that you wanted to know is 👌 in the last letter";
      "from 👌 the first to 👌 the fourth classes"
      "in👌 Russian and Belarusian 👌"
      "we haven’t 👌 got any uniform"
      "we rarely have👌 got any uniform"
      "4 times 👌 a year"
      Your mark is a nine! But next time pay more attention to your mistakes to get rid of them😊

  2. 1.
    Alan working on a big project “Life in European Countries”.Нe wants to know as much as possible about Belarus ,in particular, he is interested in education in our country.
    Dear Alan,
    My name is Kira, I'm study at school and I'm completing my studies in grade 10 .
    I would like to tell you a little information about education in Belarus. Firstly, children start their education from the kindergarten. There they learn to draw, communicate with children, learn a lot new and interesting about the world around. Then, at the age of 6-7 years, they go to school.School education lasts for 11 years. This education is compulsory.
    School education has 3 stages: elementary school (1-4 grades), secondary school (5-9 grades), high school (10-11 grades).Аt school, students are rated on a 10-point scale.Аfter the 9th grade, all students pass the required exams: Russian, Belarusian and mathematic. For me it was not difficult, but very nervous, because these are the first exams.After exams students are free to choose their further education.Тhey can continue their studies at school until grade 11 or go to college.ln grades 10-11, students choose specialized subjects that they will learn at a high level.As for me,I choose English language and Maths.After 11 grades students pass 4 exams :Russian, Belarusian, mathematic and History of Belarus.Аfter that they are given a certificate and they pass centralized testing for admission to the university.Education at state universities takes place on a paid and free basis.
    In conclusion, I want to tell a little about my school.Мy school has an English bias,students learn English from 1 to 11 grades . There is also a Belarus-Danish project, thanks to which children from different countries can communicate and improve their knowledge of the English language. All this helps children to get a good education :)
    With best wishes,

    1. Good job! You've got a ten! Only a few mistakes: "Alan is working 👌"
      " I'm studying👌"
      " students are rated at 👌 a 10-point scale"
      " mathematics or maths 👌"

  3. 1. Ohh, Alan is currently working on a big project "Life in European Countries". And he is interested in our country. He wants to know some things about our education system and any important things that are related to this.

  4. 2. Dear friend
    And the first thing that I want to know is how are you. I know that time is very difficult now. And I really want to share with you about our education system, because you asked me. You know that I'm studying at school. And I'm at 10 grade.
    Our education system is popular. People from different countries come to our country. But, of course, we have minuses. But I'll talk about everything in order.
    Our children begin to learn a little from kindergarten. They learn to read books, to count. Some children begin to learn any language a little (for example: English). Further, some children go to preparatory classes. And then we go to school. we have elementary school (grades 1-4), secondary school (grades 5-9) and high school (grades 10-11). Student can choose when he want to go to college/university. After 9 grades you can go to study to college or stay to 10 grade . And after 11 grades you go to study to university. After 9 and 11 grades you have to make exams. Our teachers teach their subjects well. After grade 11, we also have centralized testing. The most prestigious university in Belarus is the Belarusian State University. We have one minus and plus at the same. We definitely don’t have school uniforms. we must match the dress code: white top, black bottom. But this is not very good, because there are those who can afford the best clothes, and they can brag and bully others. But on the other hand, it’s convenient to wear what you yourself have chosen. I mean, It's all difficult.
    So, we have quarantine now. And we have one chief minus. And this is lack of distance learning. No, we all teach at home and do our homework. but there are some inconveniences in this. that is, it’s better not to do homework and classes at all, or to attend school completely. It's my opinion. In general, I was confused what I wanted to say.
    Something like this.
    Well, I tried to tell the main things about Belarusian schools. And now I'll go to eat, that why bye-bye, dear. Write you soon
    With love, your Mary.

    1. Good! Your mark is a ten! Pay attention to your mistakes:
      "I want to know is how you are👌"
      "And I really want to share with you info 👌 about our education system,"
      "11 grade 👌"
      "take exams 👌"

  5. 1. Alan are currently working on a big project “Life in European Countries”. He would like to learn something new about our country and especially about Belarusian education.
    2. Dear Ann,
    Terribly sorry for not writing sooner. How are you? What’s new? Not so far I’ve got your letter and I will be happy to help with all your questions.
    Most children go to kindergarten before going to school. The school system in Belarus is divided into three stages: primary: grades 1-4; basic: grades 5-9; and secondary: grades 9-11. The first two steps are required. Education is given in two languages - Russian and Belarusian - but there are also schools where teaching is only in the native language. Usually a foreign language is introduced in the third grade but in our school, children start learning it in the first grade. The main load begins in the fifth grade. New subjects are being added - physics, geometry, chemistry and algebra. After the 9th grade, all students pass the required exams: Russian, Belarusian and Math. In high school, students are prepared for admission to universities, and programs are based on the chosen area of study. For example, I choose English and Math. After 11 grades students pass 4 exams: Russian/Belarusian (you have to choice), Math, English and History of Belarus. The higher education system in Belarus is represented by the following types of institutions: Classic University, Specialized University, Institute and Higher College. In some universities, you can master two majors at the same time. Forms of study at universities: full-time and part-time. There are not only state higher education establishments, but also private ones, where the quality of education is controlled by the government.
    I hope this information will be useful for you:) If not, I will provide you with more details.
    With best wishes,

    1. Well-done! You've got a ten!
      "Alan is 👌 currently working"
      "New subjects are 👌 added"
      "you have to choose👌"

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. 1. Alan is participating in the big project called “Life in European Countries”. Project mostly focuses on systems of education and Alan is field to research is Belarus.
    2. Dear Alan
    Accept my apologize for not writing so much. I'm completely busy those days. You know, a lot of work to do, school, studying and all this staff which freaks me out. Sometimes you really need time just to shake off all this stress and pressure. But I've finally found some time to tell you about our education.
    For a start let's start in the begining. As a rule children go to kindergarten first. Then at the age of 6-7 they enter school. School is divided into three stages: primary(1-4 years of studying), basic (5-9) and high school (9-11). It's a must to study at least 9 years in school. And at the end of basic school you must take 3 exams (mathematics, Russian and Belarusian (cause our land has two official languages)). After exams you can keep studying at school and enter high school or you can enter the college or smth like that (not higher education).
    After 11 years of intensive and hard education (btw I've forgotten to mention that in high school you need to choose 2 subjects to specialise in) you are also obligated to take 4 exams (so wonderful, isn't it?). But this time you can choose subjects to be examinated. And after all this exam's madness the highway to higher education is open and you can enter the university.The higher education includes Classic University, Specialized University, Institute and Higher College. In some universities, you can study two majors at the same time or even study by correspondence . But of course thete are not only state higher education establishments, but also private ones.
    Well this was for short about our education and if you need more details just let me know.
    I hope this information will be useful, helpful (and enough) for your project.

    P.S. I'll be pleased if you tell about Britain's education. Who knows maybe one day i gonna enter the Oxford university.

    Faithfully yours

    1. Good job! You've got a ten
      Alan's 👌 field
      this stuff 👌
      For a start let's start in the beginning. - Sounds ridiculous
      Yours faithfully 👌

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 1. Alan is working on a big project “Life in European Countries” and he chose Belarus. So he wants to know how our education system works.

    2. Dear Alan,
    You said that you was working on a big project, and you want to know about our education system. But before I start, how is your life? What are you thinking about epidemiological situation now? Do you study at home or still at school? I worry about you.

    So, let's start.
    In Belarus we have 9 grades of compulsory education. 1-4th Grades we can call primary school. Here we learn the basics of the school subjects. For example, we learn to write, read and count. We begin to gain marks only from the 3rd year of primary education. After four grades, we go to the middle school, where we get knowledge for passing exams in the 9th grade. As you understand, there are 5 years in the middle school. After 9 grades we pass 3 exams: Russian, Belarusian and Math. Then you need to choose: continue school education or receive a professional technical education. If you chose the 2nd, then you leave school and go to college. After nine grades, you can’t immediately go to university and get high education, so many students strive to finish grade 10 and 11. Next (after 11th grade) you pass 5 exams: Russian, Belarusian, Math, History of Belarus and English. That's all about school education, but if you want to go to university you have to pass centralized testing (CT). Three subjects are enough, but you can choose four just in case. Russian/Belarusian (you need to choose) are compulsory. Then you study for a profession for 4-6 years. That's all, I hope I helped you. And what about your school education?
    Good luck with the project)
    Bye! Have a nice holidays!

    Best wishes,

  10. I really like the informal beginning of your letter. You've got a ten!
    you were 👌 working
    you pass 4 exams: Russian or 👌 Belarusian, Maths👌, History of Belarus and English.

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