We live in the age of science and technology. Science has changed the
lives of people to a great extent. It has made life easy, simple and fast. Science has offered many gifts to mankind. Fire was the first discovery
and wheel was the first invention. Since that time we have travelled far. To my
mind electricity is a gift of science without which the modern civilization cannot
survive. If we stop using it, the whole world would come to a standstill. Science creates wonders almost every day. What once was a
fantasy is now a reality thanks to the recent achievements of scientists.
Science affects us all every day from the moment we wake up till late at night.
Your smartphone, digital hand watch, weather report, smart TV, the antibiotics
to treat the flu, the clean water and the light you turn off at the end of your
day. All these have been made possible thanks to science.
Technological advances have influenced every sphere of our life. First
of all, science has changed our daily routine, transforming our houses into
smart homes. Nowadays almost every corner of our house is equipped with modern
appliances. Motion sensors, automatic lights, climate control and all kitchen
appliances make our life safer, easier and more convenient.
Science has greatly improved medical services. The microscope and the
X-ray have become real blessings to mankind. The latest inventions help to
diagnose patients with serious diseases and start treatment at early stages. Chemists
have invented wonder drugs to cure previously fatal diseases and as a result
save lives of thousands of people.
Cloning, space trips and robots are the miracles of the modern times.
Though we don’t come across these technologies every day, they influence our
life in some ways.
Without doubt, science has an
enormous impact on modern means of communication. In the past it took people
weeks and even months to deliver a message from one person to another. Since
the invention of mobile phones and the Internet quality of communication has
improved greatly. Moreover, modern technology helps us find long-lost relatives
and childhood friends. Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, VK) and messengers
(Skype, Viber, What’s Up) help us keep in touch with friends and strengthen the
ties regardless the distance.
Advanced technologies also enable us to get and share knowledge. Just
press the button and the biggest encyclopedia in the world is at your disposal.
Google updates us on the latest news, discoveries, inventions, festivals and
art events.
But science and technology also have a negative side which affects human
lives. Fast and effective technology turns us into coach potatoes, unable and
unwilling to go out of house and look for real communication. What is more,
computers have given rise to new addictions , for instance, gaming addiction.
There is a wide range of intellectual games that develop soft skills, but
unfortunately they are not as popular as games featuring shooting, killing and
fighting. Sociologists claim that addiction to cruel computer games is
responsible for increased crime and violence rates. Furthermore, doctors link
several serious health problems such as obesity, heart disease, strokes and
cancer with addiction to computer and TV watching.
Science and technology also do a lot of harm to the environment. If we
look around, most places are crowded and polluted due to the development of
factories, plants and power stations, which are all hazardous to our health.
Thus, as we can see in our daily life science has been great help and we
have benefited from it a lot. Frankly speaking, now it has become almost
impossible to live without using achievements of science and technology.
Let’s talk about science and modern technologies.
1. What is the role of science in our fast moving world?
2. Do all scientific discoveries have a positive effect on our lives?
3. What questions will you ask a famous scientist about his/her career?
4. Your friend is taking part in an experiment. He must live a month without a computer or a laptop. What advice will you give him?
5. Can you predict what kind of technologies, gadgets, and devices we will use in the future? Tell us about them.
Write the answers to the questions in comments.
1. Science is moving us to the future. About 100 years ago no one can predict that now we can have mobile phones, internet and other cool things. And a chance to visit space was a fantasy, but now its real. Who knows, maybe through 100 years we will have something like a teleport.
ReplyDelete2.All scientific discoveries can be dangerous. Thats depends on fact how we use it. No one can predict that nuclear energy can be the most powerful weapon, but it also can be the best way to get energy on our planet. I think that all discoveries can have two sides.
3.1)What discoveries did you made in past 10 years?
2)Is there discoveries common people for civilians or for army?
3)In what sphere do you work?
4)Is it hard to work for mankind future?
5)Do you love you work?
4. He can try to walk more alone or with friends, also communicate a lot. Cause that only way now without phone and internet. He should try some differient activities like playing musical instrument, tourism, reading books that will be intersting for him. He also can spend time being as a volunteer. And many other things that he can do.
5. I think that in near 50 years we will use other phones like now, but they will become more advanced, will be more compact, will live more without charging battery. All computers will be smaller and more powerful. Maybe people will modify their own body with metal parts, cause they will be better than organic.
Your mark is a nine.
DeletePay attention to your mistakes:
✔but now it's real.
What discoveries did you ✔make during past 10 years?
✔ Are these discoveries common for civilians or for army?
Cause ✔ that's the only way now without phone and internet.
1)As i think the science is a great helper. The path we live is changing so fast adding new challenges and new possibilities that sometimes u don't have enough time to adapt to it. And in order to make our life easier and not to spend a lot of time at the chores there are a lot of appliances to help us to deal with it fast.
ReplyDelete2) This question is very controversial because on the one hand scince provides us with new technologies that help us to work smart, not hard whereas on the other hand these technologies turn us into lazy couches.
3) Who or what inspired u to be a scientist?
Which sphere of the science you work in?
What do u find challenging about your work?
How could u describe modern science?
What was the last inventions u've made?
4) I will advise him to try to spend as much time as possible outdoors not to be seduced by the ability to use the device. Moreover i think he should try to take up a new hobby in order to fullfill spare time he's got useful.
5) To be honest i can't say precise what kinds of gadgets will appear sonn cause the speed of inventing new technologies and devices for smart life is only making faster. Some years ago the wireless technologie seemed to be smth wonderful and nowadays almost everyone has at least wireless earphones. But i think that all technologie will be invented in order to simplify our live even more
Well-done! Your mark is a nine.
DeletePay attention to your mistakes:
As i think ✔ science is a great helper.
Which sphere of ✔ science do you work in?
1. We live in the age of science and technology. Now science and technology play a big role in our lives, for example, without electricity, there wouldn't be many inventions. Science has greatly changed people's lives. It made life easy, simple, and fast. Every day, a lot of things are studied and a lot of discoveries are made, it all moves our world.
ReplyDelete2. Scientific discoveries have a negative and positive effect. The negative is that people have become more lazy. Science has created new addictions: an addiction to computer games, an addiction to watching TV. This is bad for a person and our health. Factories also have a bad impact on the environment and on human health.
3. What inspired you to become a scientist?
Do you have any significant discoveries?
What do you like most about your work?
How do you generate new ideas?
How do you feel about the fact that technology has completely filled our world?
4. I recommend spending more time with your friends and family. Go on a trip with your friends, watch movies, read books. You can also take up a hobby. Our world is beautiful, enjoy every ray of sunshine.
5. I think that 50% of our lives will take place in the virtual world. Everyone can be whatever they want. I also hope that we will start traveling in space. During the holidays, we won't go to another country, but to another planet. I also hope that our environment won't die and humanity will create technologies to preserve our nature.
Excellent! You've got a ten!
Delete1)Thanks to science and the achievements of mankind, our life has become many times easier and more convenient. Some things that were done with our own hands were replaced by robots and various devices. The same robotic vacuum cleaners simplify common house cleaning.
ReplyDelete2)We can't say that all the discoveries have made our lives better. Because of computer games or TV, some people have become degraded and spend most of their time doing nothing. This leads to obesity, stroke, and possible mental disorders.
3)1. How did you come to invent (something)?
2. What motivates you to make discoveries and create new things?
3. How did you go to school?
4. How much do you earn?
4)I would recommend reading a lot and playing sports. In my experience, when reading, time flies very quickly. You will not notice how this month will fly by. And sports will not only help pass the time, but you will also become more resilient and look good.
5)Of course, the most obvious thing is flying cars. Flying cars will greatly simplify and speed up the movement. However, I can't imagine how they will come up with traffic rules on this transport. Also artificial intelligence, but its creation is already quite advanced. An example would be the SIRI voice assistant.
Excellent! You've got a ten!
Delete1. Science in modern society plays an important role in many industries and spheres of people's lives. And the level of development of science tells us about the level of economic and cultural development of society. Thanks to science, we can explain almost all actions and processes, it influences in the formation of our worldview, introduces new technologies into production, also achievements in science directly affect culture and education.
ReplyDelete2. In my opinion, some of them do not affect our lives positively at all. The development of scientific knowledge in the field of weapons leads to an increase in the military power of States, to the development of new types of weapons that cause great harm to nature and humanity (for example, nuclear weapons). There are also new schemes of fraud and cybercrime, and the excessive use of natural resources leads to irreversible disasters.
3. At what age did you become interested in science? What inspired you?
How much time have you devoted to your most significant project?
How do you assess the level of Belarusian science?
Is science something you want to do for the rest of your life?
Would you like to continue your research activities abroad?
4. For first i advice you to clean up, because now more attention will focus on things that are nearby,/ So if there is a mess around, then you can easily get annoyed over trifles. You should also put your thoughts in order (meditation and practice are exactly what you need). For a pleasant and useful pastime, you can take care of your body (go to the gym or work out at home), read books that you wanted, go to a museum or theater, have a picnic with friends, come up with a creative activity or, finally, get some sleep.
5. I believe that soon the number of self-driving cars will exceed the number of those that are driven by people. Probably, paper money will disappear, and people will be able to improve themselves with the help of technology, more people will have the opportunity to fly into space, and maybe we will even move to live on Mars... Who knows... :))
Excellent! You've got a ten! But the verb is advise: ✔For first i advise you
Delete1. Science is very important for humanity, especially for our modern world. Thanks to science, we have advanced very far in knowledge. It is also important for further stages of life. Maybe one day, thanks to science, we will be able to fly to Mars ... Moreover, as we could notice, more and more diseases and environmental problems have been developing recently, And, I think, thanks to science, we will cope with all the difficulties.
ReplyDelete2. This issue should be considered from two sides. On the one hand, thanks to many discoveries, we have gadgets, electricity, and there are many factories. Thanks to this, we have modern applianses. However, this has a bad effect on the ecology, nature, which gradually destroys the environment and affects human health.
3. 1) What discoveries have you made?
2) How did you come to the decision to become a scientist?
3) How do you come to understand what discoveries need to be made? How does this happen?
4) How difficult is it to arrive at the desired opening?
4. During the experiment, I would advise him to engage in self-study, spend more time on the street with friends. To do something that did not have enough time and energy. The more we avoid the problem, the faster it will be solved. This will bring huge benefits. He will understand the generation of parents, learn a lot during this period of time, get rid of addiction and learn to solve problems without the participation of the Internet, improve his communication skills without the participation of modern gadgets.
5. There is already such a science as Ufology. I believe that perhaps one day we will open ships to travel between planets, invent a way to travel to other planets. Maybe the cars will be able to fly. Nobody can know what people might discover, but I believe that the next generation will be called "nano-generation".
Excellent! You've got a ten!
Delete1. The role of science it the 21 century can’t be overestimated. We can find all inventions of modern technology everywhere. We always are surrounded by gadgets and other modern appliances that help us live more comfortable. We can’t imagine our lives without shower, electricity, Internet.
ReplyDelete2. All discoveries have their positive and negative sides. I mean, for instance, computer or gaming addiction, nuclear energy(our great invention and death at the same time) … all appliances improve and simplify our lives but with them we become addictive and lazy. With all modern weapons we think that we can rule the world but not to protect it from another war.
3. What side of your work/job do you enjoy more than any other? What inspire you to create more and more? What do you think mankind can get in the nearest future? What can be the solution to greenhouse effect? What do we need to cope with all natural deceases?
4. He or her must have all necessary things to live with. For instance, map, books, vocabulary or something that can catch his attention for a long period of time. Try to spend more time with your relatives and friends, help your parents with all household doings and just relax and go outside. Try to pick up a new hobby/activity.
5. So… May be we can see flying cars everywhere in the future or robots. But I think that first of all we can discover new galactic, planets, new forms of life in he see or smth like this. New abilities in phones, computers…
in the sea*
DeleteExcellent! You've got a ten!
Delete1. The role of science in our fast-moving world is hard to overestimate. Scientists apply their knowledge in practice improving the lives of people. A lot of scientists' inventions have made our life easy, comfortable and fast.
ReplyDeleteScience defines the development of civilazation.
2. Science and technology have both positive and negative sides which affect human lives. Fast and effective technology turns us into coach potatoes, unable and unwilling to make efforts to do something. They also have given rise to new addictions, crime and violence rates. Science and technology do a lot of harm to the environment and can cause several serious health problems.
3. Why have you chosen this sphere?
Where and when did you start your career?
Have you ever worked with other famous scientists?
What can you tell me about modern science development?
4. It will be easier if you don't have any lessons or important work this month. Take a break, spend time with friends and family, walk more. You can also take up a hobby. Although it can be hard in the beginning, it's a good chance to slow down in our fast-moving world.
5. I don't think that in the future (in 20 or 30 years) we will use absolutely different technologies and gadgets. May be they will become more advanced. I'd like to believe that new technologies will become less harmful to the environment and to our health (for example, phones and laptops won't cause eyesight problems). It's also possible that technologies and gadgets will change completely. Who knows?
Excellent! You've got a ten!
Delete1) I believe that science will always play an important role in our life. After all, if at one time great scientists had not been engaged in science, all this would not have happened. Now it is important to do this in order to achieve more. By studying science, you can achieve much more than we have now.
ReplyDelete2) I think so. Many openings were very dangerous for human life. But if you think about it, not opening it could have been much worse. We will never know what would have happened if we had not studied radiation and something dangerous.
3) 1) What is the most important discovery for you? 2) What problems and difficult situations have arisen in your work? 3) Why did you want to devote your life to science? 4) What famous scientists have you worked with? 5) What is the main disadvantage of your work?
4) I would advise you to start reading books. It's very exciting, takes a lot of time, you can find your favorite book and have a good time. It takes a long time to read a book, but it goes unnoticed. There, for your friend, a month will seem like a trifle. And it’s not a fact that he wants to be on the phone.
5) it will seem trivial, but it clearly seems to me that technologies for a flying car will be invented. It seems to me that in the future they will still come up with a time machine, and everyone will travel through the past or the future.
Excellent! You've got a ten!
ReplyDelete1. Our world is developing through science, science is the engine of progress. It makes our lives better and faster. So, thats why it plays a great role in a modern world. Without science and technologies created by it, we would'nt be able to broaden the horizons of our capabilities to such an extent.
ReplyDelete2. Most of them - yes, but several inventions bring more damage, than benefit. I'm talking about things that pollute the environment and aren't very useful and necessary. Computers, the Internet and TV also became the source of some addictions. Due to this we can procrastinate a lot. Factories and gasoline transport have a bad effect on human health and environment.
3. What do you think about our nearest future?
What sphere do you work in?
Have you made any inventions?
Can you offer any solutions to the problem of greenhouse effect?
Was it hard on the way to your profession?
4. You can take up new hobbies and try to develope your practical skills. Try to see your friends more often and communicate more too. Use this experiment to your advantage, because during these days you will have more time for selfeducation and personal growth.
5. I think we will improve modern technics in the future. I mean cars, televisions, smartphones, friges, etc. So, they will be able to make our lives even more easy and convenient. I hope mankind will explore space and we can travel between the galaxies. I also believe that humanity will find salvation for the planet, because at the moment this is the biggest problem.
Excellent! You've got a ten!
ReplyDelete1)Today we can say that science in modern society plays an important role in many sectors and spheres of human life. The level of development of science is one of the main indicators of the development of society, and it is also an indicator of the modern development of the state. Everything around a person is the achievement of science.
ReplyDelete2)no, not all discoveries of scientists have a positive effect on human life, for example, nuclear weapons, addiction to violent films, many factories that have a bad effect on nature and people
3)what field of science do you work in? How long have you been on your way to success? Do your loved ones support you? What difficulties have you faced?
4)I would advise you to find yourself an interesting hobby, spend more time with your family and friends, start traveling and enjoy your life without gadgets.
5)I think that over time, robots are completely replaced by service personnel. Phones and computers will also be replaced with something. I hope in the future everyone will be able to fly into space, instead of the beach and the sea.
Good, you have got a nine because of being late.
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