Wednesday, January 29, 2025

9th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 3. What's the weather like today?

👉Communicative area: understanding the weather forecast and talking about it

👉Active grammar: conjunctions for and since (meaning "because")
Imagine you see a little boy in the street. The boy is wearing only one glove. 
Why? Discuss your ideas in pairs. 
They can be serious or funny.
Now listen to a popular joke. Check whose idea was closer to the joke.

1. Where do you get the weather forecast: on TV, on the radio or on the Internet?
2. Which forecasts are more accurate?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of weather forecasts on TV, on the radio and on the Internet?

Look at the symbols often used in weather forecasts. 
What do they mean?

Look at the map of Britain.

1. What cities can you see?
2. Are they in the north / south / west / east of the country?
3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

Conjunctions (cоюзы) since and for

Союзы since и for используются в сложноподчиненных предложениях в том же значении, что и because для обозначения причины. 
Since  (поскольку) чаще всего используется в начале предложения. В этом случае предполагается, что причина уже известна слушателю и поэтому не так важна.


Since the temperature increases up to 8 and 10 degrees, in Plymouth, Barnstaple and Bristol we will have a dry and warm start of the week.Поскольку температура повысится до 8 и 10 градусов, в Плимуте, Барнстапле и Бристоле нас ждет сухое и теплое начало недели.

Союз for используется, когда говорящий упоминает причину как дополнение, поэтому всегда стоит в середине предложения. Использование for характерно для письменной и формальной речи.


I suspect that was the coldest morning we will see in the next ten days for a cold front is gradually leaving Britain and moving to the north.Я подозреваю, что это было самое холодное утро за ближайшие десять дней, так как холодный фронт постепенно покидает Британию и движется на север.

Use the phrases below and make up sentences for the weather forecast. Use since and for.

Search the net and find online weather forecasts for the rest of the week for where you are and for a city in Britain. Use it to prepare a weather report for a TV weather programme. Present your weather reports.

Help box
We will see ... weather in the next ... days.
... is gradually leaving our country and moving to the north /
south / east / west.
The next few days will be spoilt with ...
The rain / snow/hail/storm chances increase greatly ...
... are going to have sunny/rainy weather with cloudy / sunny
We will have a dry and warm / a cold and misty start / end of
the week.
The rest of the day will be fi ne / dull / windy with lots of sunshine /
overcast sky / strong gusts of wind.
It will be mainly ...
A pair of sunglasses / an umbrella/ a warm scarf / ... will be
the right thing to carry around.

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