Sunday, September 22, 2024

IELTS Writing Task 2: Discuss Both Views Essay 5 - Factors in reducing world poverty


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that changing people's attitudes to other countries and cultures is an important factor in reducing world poverty. Others, however,  feel that the most important method is trade. 

Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task to write at least 250 words. 

Useful expressions

  • It is often said that…
  • However, many are concerned about…
  • While it might be true that…
  • I believe....

Introduce the first view

  • Some people argue/claim/say/believe that…
  • There are those who argue/claim/say/believe that…
  • It is often claimed that…

Introduce the opposite view

  • Nevertheless, other people claim/argue/believe that…
  • However, there are those who claim/argue/believe that…
  • However, opponents of… claim/argue/believe that…

Introduce your opinion

  • I hold the view that…
  • In my view,…
  • In my opinion,…


  1. There is no denying that many people are concerned about the problem of third world countries and the problems of poverty in general. People are divided in their opinion regarding attempts to help change the financial situation in these countries. Let us examine both views before reaching a concrete decision.

    Many support the view that it is important to have a special attitude towards poor countries. Caring for their culture, being interested in it, and openly discussing problems will help such countries overcome poverty. To give an example trips of celebrities or various world delegations, first world countries, can help to make a good impression of countries that are more closed to us, of course, if we are talking about the fact that these trips are carried out with the aim of drawing attention to the diversity of these countries, because often they have a huge cultural layer. In addition, other people think that these countries need economic help in an attempt to improve the financial situation of the world. Buying and selling items will help much more than simple travel. As for example, trade will increase the number of jobs, make people work and get money to improve their lives, and most importantly, will bring income to the state, which in turn should not spend it in a corrupt way.

    My own point of view on this issue is that both opinions should be implemented simultaneously. if you do each action separately, maybe there will be no such impact. But if you use the method of trade together with the illumination of respect for the culture of the country, the improvement of the economic condition will be higher, thus it will help to improve the situation of poverty in the world. For example, assistance in trade in Belarus, together with increased information about this country in the world, has resulted in an influx of tourists and increased the annual budget by 30%.

    By Diana

    1. Good job! The essay is well-structured containing detailed examples and corresponds all the necessary ctriteria. Pay attention to the usage of synonyms and more advanced vocabulary.

      There is no denying that a lot of people are concerned about the problem of the third-world countries, particularly the persistent problems of poverty in general. Human beings are divided in their opinion regarding attempts to help change the financial situation in these nations. In this essay we will examine both perspectives before reaching a concrete decision.
      A great number of people support the view that it is significant to have a special attitude towards destitute states. Caring for their culture, being interested in it, and openly discussing problems will provide such areas with effective ways to overcome poverty. For instance, celebrity tours or various global delegations from the first-world countries can enable to make a good impression of countries that are more closed to us, obviously, if we talk about the fact that these trips are carried out with the aim of drawing attention to the diversity of these states and highlighting their rich cultural heritage. Conversely, others believe economic help is crucial for improving the financial situation in the world. They argue that trade - buying and selling goods - will offer far more substantial solution than mere travel. As for example, trade will increase the number of available jobs, make people work and increase income to improve their lives, and most importantly, will bring revenue to the state essentially contributing to the national development, which in turn should not be wasted in a corruptive way.
      My own point of view on this issue is that both opinions should be implemented simultaneously. If efforts are made in isolation, the impact may be limited. But if you use the method of trade together with the illumination of respect for the culture of the country, the improvement of the economic condition will be higher, thus it will encourage the improvements with the situation of poverty in the world. For example, assistance in trade in Belarus, together with increased information about this country in the world, has resulted in an influx of tourists and increased the annual budget by 30%. In conclusion, a balanced strategy that includes both economic development and cultural appreciation may hold the key to alleviating poverty in third-world countries.
