Wednesday, July 24, 2024

IELTS Writing Task 1: Line Graph 4


Percentage of internet users playing or downloading games, images, films or music

Writing Tip

 How to use your 20 minutes

You have 20 minutes for task 1, so try spending 5 minutes on each paragraph. This might help you to organize your time better.

First 5 minutes

Read the question, make sure you understand the chart, write your introduction by paraphrasing the question.

Second 5 minutes

Look at the chart and try to find 2 general points. Don't look at specific details; look for "the big picture". Write 2 sentences summarising the information.

Final 10 minutes

Describe specific details. Try to break this part into 2 paragraphs because it looks better. You could spend 5 minutes on each paragraph.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph shows the percentage of the internet users in selected European countries playing or downloading games, images, films or music, along with the European Union average.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


  1. The graph presents information about the percentage of the some Europeans, who use internet and playing or downloading games ,images, films or music and comparing it with with European Union average.The graph shows us the numbers for the period since mid 2004 to 2011 (except France, which graph began at the end of 2006).
    Overall, there is fluctuating growth in all countries and EU, with the exception of Germany, where the growth rate was steadily gradual (from approximately 21per to 31per). UK and EU had very similar figures: at the begging of the graph we see a negligibly drop from 40 and 32 percent to just under 35 and 30 per respectively. As regards Bulgaria, which unlike Germany, has more unstable figures, the rates were remarkably higher than other rates of all countries and EU: started from 50 per in 2004 and has slightly fall to 47per in the end of 2006, Bulgaria sharply rises to a high of 55per in 2006, then dramatically plunge again to a still-highest 50per.
    Summing up, France, the only country where graph has such remarkable increase from 15per to 34per in one year (period from 2006 to 2007), and after that the number leveled off and went exactly until 2011.

    1. Well-done, the essay is well-structured with paraphrasing the first paragraph and showing the trend. Next time pay attention to the usage of articles, synonyms and adjectives in collocations.

      The graph presents information about the percentage of Europeans, who use the Internet and play or download games, images, films or music and compares it with European Union average. The chart shows the numbers for the period since mid 2004 to 2011 (except France, which graph began at the end of 2006).

      Overall, there is a fluctuating growth in all countries and the EU, except for Germany, where the growth rate was steadily gradual (from approximately 21 per to 31 per). The UK and the EU had extremely similar figures: at the beginning of the chart we see a negligible drop from 40 and 32 percent to merely under 35 and 30 per respectively As regards Bulgaria, which unlike Germany, has more unstable figures, the rates were remarkably higher than other rates of all countries and the EU: started from 50 per in 2004 and has aslight fall to 47 per in the end of 2006, Bulgaria sharply rises to the peak of 55 per cent in 2006, then dramatically plunged again to the still-highest 50 per cent.

      Summing up, France is the only country where the chart has such a remarkable increase from 15 per cent to 34 per cent in one year (the period from 2006 to 2007), and after that the number levelled off and went exactly until 2011.

  2. The graph represents information about the amount of netizens in certain European countries playing or downloading games, images, films or music, in parallel with the European Union average.
    Overall, there is a clear upward trend in given countries, intensity of which in each one is distinguished, affecting the period from mid 2004 to 2011. The only exception would be France, which graph began at the end of 2006.
    It is apparent from the chart that Bulgaria stood at the highest numbers of users during the entire period, even though it had slight fluctuations in the range from 48 to 57 percent. Additionally, the same type of growth is being observed in the United Kingdom and countries of the EU.
    What refers to the remaining ones, the picture is not the same. It can be seen that Germany has had a steady increase of percentage starting from 23 and ending with 34. Finally, looking at the line of France, we can underline that it has the brightest figures. There was a sudden appearance of 20 percent in 2006, which dramatically increased in 2007 up to 30%. From 2007 to 2011 only slight variations of the number can be allocated.
    Summing up, I would like to emphasise that the graph is positive in terms of growth. Each country of the shown ones raised its percentage in their individual way.


    1. The essay is well-structured, but if you write about general trends (find 2 trends) after the first paragraph, don't write the summary. The usage of tenses depends on the actual data of the graph. If the graph describes changes in the past, use Past Simple. Try to use all the shown data.

      The graph represents information about the amount of netizens in certain European countries playing or downloading games, images, films or music, in parallel with the European Union average.
      Overall, there was a clear upward trend in given countries, intensity of which in each one was distinguished, affecting the period from mid 2004 to 2011. The only exception would be France, which graph began at the end of 2006.
      It was apparent from the chart that Bulgaria stood at the highest numbers of users during the entire period, even though it had slight fluctuations in the range from 48 to 57 percent. Additionally, the same type of growth was being observed in the United Kingdom and countries of the EU.
      What refers to the remaining ones, the picture was not the same. It could be seen that Germany had a steady increase of percentage starting from 23 and ending with 34. Finally, looking at the line of France, we can underline that it had the brightest figures. There was a sudden appearance of 20 percent in 2006, which dramatically increased in 2007 up to 30%. From 2007 to 2011 only slight variations of the number could be allocated.
