Wednesday, May 22, 2024

IELTS Listening: Practise Test 7

 IELTS Listening Preparation

There are four sections in the listening test. Each section has 10 questions, making a total of 40 questions. The sections become progressively harder. The answers to the questions come in the same order as the information on the recording. The whole test lasts about 30 minutes, including the instructions, your reading and listening time, and the time allowed for transferring your answers from the questions paper to an answer sheet. The instructions are included on the recording.

Section 1

This is a conversation between two speakers on an everyday, social topic. This means that you listen to two people talking to each other about arranging a trip, organising an event, etc. The focus is on listening for specific factual information.

Section 2

This is a talk by one speaker on a general topic. This means that you listen to one person giving information about a public event, a service provided, etc. The focus is on listening for specific factual information.

Section 3

This is a discussion between two to four speakers on a topic related to ‘academic needs’. This means that you listen to up to four people talking to each other about an assignment for a course, an academic subject in a seminar, etc. The focus is on listening for specific factual information, attitudes and speakers’ opinions.

Section 4

This is a lecture or talk by one speaker on an academic or study-related topic. This means that you listen to a person giving a lecture, a talk, etc. The focus is on listening for main ideas, specific factual information, attitude and speakers’ opinions.

You will be allowed approximately 30 seconds to study the questions before the test begins. You can use this time to check what types of answers are needed (for example, dates, times, names, money, etc.), and pay special attention to the first question.


IELTS Listening: 

Practice Test 7 - Section 1

IELTS Listening Tip

In one type of question you may have to complete a table with no more than two words or a number. The heading will tell you what kind of information you need to focus on. Before you listen, underline the heading of each column in the table.

IELTS Listening: 

Practice Test 7 - Section 2

Listening Tips

  • You will hear a talk by one speaker on a topic of general interest. Section 2 is a little harder than Section 1. You will have to decide what the important details or facts on the recording are, without the help of another speaker's questions to guide you.

IELTS Listening: 

Practice Test 7 - Section 3

IELTS Listening Tips

1) Predict what type of information is missing from each gap. Also predict what the missing word or phrase could actually be.
2) Your first guess might be right or wrong. It doesn't matter. Just thinking about it in that way will help you.
3) Write the missing words exactly as you hear them.
4) Read the sentences/summary again to check that the words you have added make sense and fit grammatically.

IELTS Listening: 

Practice Test 7 - Section 4


Remember that although the information on the question paper will paraphrase the information that you hear, it will be in the same order. Make sure you keep to the word limit you are given and be careful to check your spelling at the end. You can write your answers in capital letters or lower case.

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