Wednesday, February 28, 2024

8th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 11. Pub quiz

 👉Communicative area: revising the material of the unit

What do the following names have in common: The Red Lion, The Royal Oak, and the Crown?

What kind of quiz is a pub quiz?

Read the information about pub quizzes. 

How close were your guesses?

There are over 60,000 pubs in the UK and they are an important part of British life. A British pub is not only a place to drink and eat. It is the centre of community life in villages, a popular social meeting place. People talk, meet their friends, play games, and relax here. Most pub games date back many years and are rooted in village culture. Many pubs have a garden where people can sit in summer. Children can go to pub gardens with their parents. Pubs hold special events: tournaments of darts, table football and other games, karaoke nights, and pub quizzes. 
 The pub quiz was established in the UK in the 1970s by Burns and Porter. Their aim was to attract customers to pubs on slow evenings. Its popularity grew and grew and it became part of British culture. Nowadays the Great British Pub Quiz challenge is an annual event. In a pub quiz, two or more teams are asked some trivia questions. The teams choose a funny name for themselves. Each team works together to answer the questions and write them down in their booklets. At the end of each round the answers are collected, marked and points are counted. A good quiz is between four to eight rounds of 10 questions but of course, it depends on the time the players have.

You are going to have a pub quiz. Follow the steps:

1. Make up two teams

2. Think of the name for your team. It is usually funny. Get ready to introduce yourselves.

3. Listen to the quizmaster's questions. Discuss the answers in your teams and write them down in your answer sheet.


Round 1: Picture round

Look at the fragments of the pictures illustrating famous British customs and traditions. What are they? Say at least 5 sentences to describe them.

Round 2: Question round 

Listen to the quizmaster’s questions. You have 30 seconds to discuss and write down the answers in the answer sheet.

Round 3: True / False duel round 

Each member of the team has to think of a sentence, either true or false, about British superstitions. Take it in turns to exchange your sentences with a person in the other team who has to say if it is true or false.

Round 4: Pronunciation round 

Choose the best speaker to read out the proper names. To get an extra point explain what customs and traditions they are connected with.

Round 5: General knowledge round

Choose the correct variant to answer the quizmaster’s questions.

Round 6: Fake story round 

Write a fake story for April Fool’s Day.

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