Thursday, October 5, 2023

8th grade. Unit 1. Lesson 10. Culture corner: The Duke of Edinburgh's award

 👉Communicative area: reading and speaking about a British award programme for young people

Have you / your classmates got any awards? 
What are they? 
How do you feel when you get an award?

Are you 14 years old? Is adventure your passion? Are you looking for something you will be proud of in the future? Jump at an opportunity to go on an amazing journey that you will never forget. It’s time to participate in the DofE award programme and get your first badge! What are you waiting for? Don’t miss the boat!
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, founded the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) in 1956. Since then, millions of young people in the UK, aged 14–24, have taken part in this life challenge. The DofE is all about going the extra mile – helping others, developing yourself physically, learning new things, and exploring new territories. You’ll grow in confidence and become more independent. The programme helps to develop young people for life and work. 93% of participants feel that DofE has helped them to work in a team and 84% feel that they have become more responsible people.
The DofE programme offers three Award levels (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) and a wide range of activities. When you have achieved your level award, you will be able to get a bronze, silver, or gold badge. Find your nearest DofE centre and start planning your DofE programme. Perhaps you want to help out at a local animal shelter or set up a charity club? Learn how to bake or go hiking? Work out what excites you and make a difference to you and the people around you.
The adventure starts here!

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