mass media plays an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio, TV and the Internet inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful
possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we
see the world and shape our views.
Newspapers are the oldest means of mass media. The choice of newspapers is wide. Nowadays newspapers cater for different political views, interests and levels of education. All newspapers are classified into two types: quality or broadsheets and popular or tabloids. Quality newspapers are serious national papers for educated readers. Tabloids are designed for common readers with the content focused on celebrities and fashion. Newspapers don't react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information.
The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that's an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it's much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers.
course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively, but
serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with
reliable information.
It is
true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be
bad news. But people aren't interested in ordinary events. That is why there
are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes,
wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn't usually make headlines. Bad news
people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on
people's private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories
about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most
intimate moments. The question is — should this be allowed? But obviously, television, especially quality documentaries from Discovery Channel, Viasat History and National Geographic possesses educational power. Television helps to broaden horizons and get acquainted with different cultures.
many people prefer the radio. It's good to listen to it in the car, or in the open
air, or when you do something about the house.
Internet has recently become another important source of information. The Net has changed communication as we know it. From education to advertisement, this new technological advance has affected practically every aspect of our lives. Magazines, newspapers and books are "online" and can be read on the computer or on the screen of your smartphone . You can find information on any topic - the possibilities are endless. The Internet can instantly connect you to other computers, allowing you to "chat" with people all over the world. Moreover, the news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real
life and you don't have to wait for news time on TV.
Mass media (that is, the press, the radio and television) play
an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain
people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make
them change their views. Mass media mould public opinion.
But it is hardly fair to say that mass
media do not try to raise cultural level of the people or to develop their
artistic taste. Mass media brings to millions of homes not only
entertainment and news but also cultural and educational programs.
No doubt, mass media is an important part of our
life. We should keep in mind that almost everything can be a blessing or a curse depending on the way we use it. The effect mass media has on us largely depends on our choice of what we watch and read. So let's make intelligent choices.
Let’s talk about the mass media.
1. Which of these do people in your family prefer: TV, newspapers, radio?
2. Is there any means of communication teenagers can’t live without? Why? Why not?
3. What questions will you ask a photojournalist about his/her work?
4. I’d like to watch something entertaining on TV. What programme will you advise me to watch?
5. Can the internet replace all the other means of mass media? What is your point of view?
Let’s talk about mass media.
1. What role does the Internet play
in your life?
2. Are all means of communication
really effective? Why or why not?
3. What questions will you ask a British teenager about the media they like best of all?
4. Unfortunately, I have little time
to surf the Net. Which sites will you advise me to visit first of all?
5. Do you think newspapers will
disappear in twenty years’ time? Why or why not?
Write the answers to the questions in comments.
1) If you choose from this, then of course the TV. But I want to say that everyone in my family is no longer watching TV, but the Internet. On the internet, you can watch news and moreover, more accurate news than on TV. It is more convenient to watch various programs, films, etc. on the Internet 2) Even if you think about it, a teenager can live without social networks. But social networks are convenient. It happens that a person does not have the opportunity to call or find out news about the life of another person. For this, there are social networks. But it’s true that teenagers can live without social media. All the same, live communication remains important for them. 3) 1) Tell us about the pros and cons of your job. 2) Have you ever worked in dangerous places to live? 3) What influenced you to choose this profession? 4) What have you not achieved so far in your profession, what would you like? 4) I don't know what to watch on TV, since I haven't watched it for a long time. It is better to go to YouTube, because there is a huge number of programs, shows, funny and educational at your choice. I love watching travel channels and I can advise you. 5) My opinion is that the Internet has replaced television anyway. The Internet is much more convenient to use, there is much more information there than on television. Everything on the Internet is much more accessible and better.
ReplyDelete1) If you choose from this list, then they prefer the TV. And so most of my family all use the Internet. You can find more interesting information on the Internet than on TV.
ReplyDelete2) Teenagers can live without social media. But in the social network it is very convenient. There are times when you cannot call or find out information about a person. Then social networks will come to the rescue. It is very comfortable. Well, if we talk about teenagers, then they can live without hundreds of networks. After all, live communication remains the main thing for them.
3) 1.) What are the pros and cons of your job? 2.) Have there been times when you had to work in dangerous places to live? 3.) Were your parents happy with your choice? 4.) What influenced you to choose this particular profession?
4) I do not know what programs can be watched on TV, since I have not watched TV for a very long time. But you can go to YouTube where you will find a lot of interesting and informative, as well as funny channels of your choice.
5) My opinion is that the Internet has replaced television. The Internet is much more convenient to use, there is much more information there than on television. Everything on the Internet is much more accessible and better
1)My family prefers to read the news online or watch it on TV.
ReplyDelete2)In the 21st century, teenagers are used to communicating in social networks and can't live without it, because many people have mobile Internet and it is easier for teenagers to write a message than to invite them to walk and talk live.
1. Which camera do you use every day?
2. Is your job Difficult?
3. Do you have a schedule or do you work at a convenient time?
4. What do I need to do to become a photojournalist?
5. Your work is in demand in your country/city?
4)If I want to watch something on TV, I don't watch any programs. I prefer to watch some interesting movie.
5)I think it can. You can find everything on the Internet. Want to read a book but don't want to go to the library? find it in the Internet. Do you want to read the news but there is no TV or radio in the room? Find news on the Internet. The Internet is a universal platform where you have all the necessary information that interests you.
ReplyDeleteМy family members prefer television to watch movies on the internet. But to search for news, to communicate with friends, work colleagues or for online games, all members of my family use a phone with the Internet.
I assume that most teenagers communicate with friends on social networks, I think that it is convenient, because you can communicate with a friend even if you are at a distance by video chat, you can also make new acquaintances with guys from other countries
Did you choose this job yourself or is it the parents' choice?
Do you take provocative photos and articles?
What is the most difficult part of working as a journalist?
What advice can you give to aspiring journalists?
If you ask me, I can't give any advice on TV programs, because I don't watch TV. But I can advise you to watch various bloggers on the Internet, if you like travel programs, then you can watch videos of people who travel to different countries and tell a lot of amazing things about culture, etc. If you prefer sports, then you can find all sports matches in the Internet. if the programs are on TV at a certain time, then on the Internet you can watch everything you need at any time.
I consider that every day Internet platforms are developing more and more. If now we can read most books, in news on the Internet, paper diaries have been replaced by electronic ones, etc., then in the future it is quite possible that the Internet replace all the other means of mass media....
1)My parents prefer TV and i prefer internet. For them TV is easier. I mean that they can easier get information from it. I use internet cause it easier for me, i am using it since i was 7 years old.
ReplyDelete2)For example i cant live without internet and live communication. On internet i can get some info that i need as fast as i can. In live communication i can talk about all themes. Its easier to say something big than write it. And on the internet we usually send memes each other and nothing more.
3)1.What camera do you use to take photos?
2.Do you have any photos of celebrities?
3.In what mass media are you working?
4.How many countries did you visit?
4)I dont watch TV for about 5 years or maybe more. I just can recommend something. You can watch independent news or you can watch some channels with movies.
5)I thing in near future it will replace. Some services replaced cinemas and people can watch new movies in home sitting on sofa with friends. With mass media will be the same situations. A lot of people don't trust what's on the news channels on TV. Biggest part of people use TV for playing on their consoles or watching films. The can took info from internet, there they can sort information and say their opinion.
1. My mom and dad prefer TV, but my brother and I prefer the internet over TV. Although mom and dad are rapidly switching to finding and receiving any information on the Internet. I think, it’s conveniently to use Internet.
ReplyDelete2. I think that teenagers in our time cannot live without the Internet, like adults. The Internet is like a huge encyclopedia containing any information. Technology is so advanced that you have to use it. I think that our ancestors tried for such a future. Teenagers can use the Internet for self-development, study, reading books, interacting with others, and more.
3. Is it very hard to do rare and unusual photos?
Do you manage to make scandalous photos of stars?
Do you like your job?
What is your main task when creating photos? Did you have any difficulties with this, maybe some kind of proceedings?
4. It all depends on your interests. But I would recommend some foreign programs, as they are more successful in interesting shows and the film field. But you always can to watch our news, that’s always fun.
5. My point is that the internet can replace everything. Anyway, even everything that is showing on TV is also posted on the Internet. Often there is even more information than the TV.
1. My family prefers TV because it is more convenient and interesting. It's much more interesting to switch channels with colorful reports than to read a black-and-white newspaper. But now we watch almost all the news on the Internet.
ReplyDelete2. I believe that teenagers can't live without a phone. All their personal life, photos, music and contacts are in the phone. A teenager can call anyone at any time or just watch a video on the Internet, so the phone has become an integral part of the life of modern teenagers.
3. Why did you decide to take up photojournalism?
Do you find your headlines catchy?
What is the most memorable report for you?
What advice can you give to aspiring photojournalists?
What's your favorite thing about your work?
4. I would advise you to watch the channel about science and technology. On this channel, you can see both new robots and the features of the human body structure. I've also always been interested in nature channels. When you live in Belarus, it is interesting to see huge spiders in the tropical jungle.
5. I believe that the Internet can replace all media. The Internet provides us with information about new movies, music, important events, and so on. You can find everything you can on the Internet. And most importantly, the Internet is always nearby, at any time you can view any information in your phone.
1. In my family everyone prefers to find out the news from the internet. Newspapers, radio and television are not so convenient in this regard.
ReplyDelete2. I thinks yes. Teenagers are used to communicate in social networks and massengers. It's really comfortable. Everyone can respond when they have an opportunity. This way people don't distract others from their work.
3. Do you work for a tabloid or for a broadsheet?
How can I start my career in photojournalism?
Do you write articles or shoot some videos?
Do you make provocative articles?
Do you use catchy titles?
4. I suggest you watch something on YouTube. There are a lot of different directions, channels and videos so you can definitely find something that suits your interests.
5. I believe it has almost completely replaced them. Basically, all people who are at least a little versed in technology read the news online. And only older people like our grandparents usually use the mass media for this purpose.
1. I think that all members of my family prefer to watch TV. My mother likes watching news and different TV shows, so my father prefers watching serials and films.
ReplyDelete2. I think that messengers and social networking sites are that thing that teenagers can’t imagine their lives without. It is much easier to during the century of technology to send SMS or just use a video chat in comparison with using mail or talking face to face(exp if your companion is far from you).
3. Is your work challenging but rewarding? When you go in one of your travels, what all you take what country will you choose? Why? How do you educate yourself to take better pictures/ catch right shots/frames? What arel the pros and cons of your job?
4. Find something interesting on YouTube. It can be different reality shows, melodramas(I always laugh at them) or cook shows.
5. I think it will be possible in some time. The only thing that I know is that TV, newspapers will be replaced by internet analog. It much easier to find some useful info or read news on the internet and it will be much faster than waiting for a TV release or a sequel in the next issue of the newspaper.
1. People in my family would rather watch TV (if we choose from this list). But mostly we prefer to get news from the internet sources. Independent media are more truthful than television ones, because government can influence on things we watch on the telly.
ReplyDelete2. I think teenagers can't live without social networks, where we can read news and chat with friends. It's easier to live a message, than to call a person. And, of course, we can find a lot of like-minded people, music, inspiration or just entertain ourselves in social networks. So, please, don't judge teens for spending their free time on social media, everyone needs to escape from reality sometimes.
3. Do you shoot in extremely dangerous areas?
Do you work for broadsheets or for tabloids?
Is it hard to force your way into major publications?
What skills do I need to have to become a journalist?
4. I don’t know a lot about TV programs, because I don’t watch them at all. Many shows on TV are staged, so if you know it, programs don't look that interesting, as they were before. I would recommend to watch some programs on channels like Discovery or Animal Planet. They show nature and different places in the world, I think it can be educational and useful.
5. Of course, it can! And this is what happening right now. On the internet you can find all your favourite TV programs, you don't even need telly, just use phone or laptop. Speaking about our country, I see no need for television or newspapers, because they all go through strict censorship. You can find neccesary and the 'cleanest' news on the Net. It goes without saying, that there are more different entertaining sides, in comparsion to TV and newspapers/tabloids, where you consume the information that was brought to you, not cosen by you.
1. If we choose from these means of mass media my family members prefer TV. But anyway we use the Internet more often. My parents are fond of reading news from the Internet.
ReplyDelete2. In my opinion nowadays teenagers can’t imagine their lives without messengers and social networks. We all are used to them. It is faster and easier to send a message and get a response immediately. Long distances are no longer an obstacle. But we have to appreciate face to face communication as well.
3. Have you ever interviewed any celebrities?
Do you work for a tabloid or a broadsheet?
Do you make provocative articles or programmes?
What tips can you give for a beginner photojournalist?
4. I can not advise you any programme to watch on TV because I usually don't watch TV. But you will obviously find something interesting from millions of videos on YouTube. Also you can stumble across an interesting movie switching TV channels.
5. I'm sure that newspapers and radio will definitely be replaced by the Internet. Even nowadays few people use them. May be it will take just longer for other means of mass media.