Showing posts with label 7th grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7th grade. Show all posts

Thursday, March 2, 2023

7th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 5. Life in the past.


Write down 10 words which are connected with life in the Middle Ages.  Do you think life in the past was easy or difficult?

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

7th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 4. We're lost!


1. Have you ever got lost? When? What did you do?

2. Do you sometimes ask for or give directions?

3. Have you ever had problems finding a place? What happened?

to get / be lost

to ask for directions

to give directions

to tell somebody the way to a place

Listen to the dialogues and name the place where the people are and where they need to get.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

7th grade. Unit 6. Lesson 3. What's your neighbourhood like?


The Johnsons want to move to a new neighbourhood. 

Listen to the conversation between Mrs Johnson and Mrs Green, a local resident. 

Where does Mrs Johnson live? 

Where does Mrs Green live?

Reconstruct the questions from the dialogue, using the prompts.

Monday, February 13, 2023

7th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 10. Culture corner: London marathon


Read some facts about the London marathon. How old is the London Marathon?
1. A marathon is an annual sporting event where an athlete must run 42.195 kilometres.
2. The idea of the modern Marathon is taken from the story of a soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens in 490 BC to bring the news that the Persians lost the battle. The Athenians sent their best runner, a man named Pheidippides back to Athens to tell everyone the good news. He ran about 25 miles and fell dead when he arrived.
3. The London marathon is run around the River Thames.

4. For years runners have worn crazy race costumes – from cans of baked beans to a rhinoceros.
5. Since the first marathon in 1981, participants have raised more than £1bln and donated it to different charities.

Listen to Elly Brown, who took part in the London Marathon. Did she finish the marathon? How does she feel?

7th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 8. The history of the Olympics


Check your memory. 
What do these numbers tell you about the Olympics?

Watch a video about the history of the Olympics.
What new information have you learned?

Monday, February 6, 2023

7th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 6. Great Sporting Events


  Passive Voice

 Действительный (активный – Active Voice) и страдательный (пассивный – Passive Voice) залоги в английском языке совпадают со значением соответствующих залогов в русском языке.

Глагол в действительном залоге показывает, что действие совершает лицо или предмет, выраженные подлежащим:

He often asks questions. – Он часто задаёт вопросы.

I bought this ball yesterday. – Я купил этот мяч вчера.

Глагол в страдательном залоге означает, что действие направлено на предмет или лицо, выраженные подлежащим:

He is often asked questions. – Ему часто задают вопросы.

This ball was bought yesterday. – Этот мяч был куплен вчера.


Страдательный залог образуется следующим образом:

to be + past participle (participle II or V3 – the third form of the verb).

 Глагол в страдательном залоге может сопровождаться указанием исполнителя (agent) действия с предлогом by:

This ball was bought by me yesterday. – Этот мяч был куплен мной вчера.

Как и в русском языке, в английском страдательный залог употребляется:

1. Когда в центре внимания говорящего находится лицо или предмет, над которым производится действие, а не лицо или предмет, который сам совершает действие.

Cricket is played in England and Australia. – В крикет играют в Англии и Австралиии.

2. Когда лицо, совершающее действие, неизвестно или когда считают ненужным его упоминать.

Boxing gloves are made of leather. – Боксерские перчатки сделаны из кожи.

Watch a video about sport in Belarus. 

1. What sporting events from the calendar does it mention?
2. How many Olympic medals have Belarusian Athletes won?
3. What sport facilities are there in Belarus?
4. When was the World Championship of Ice Hockey held in Belarus?

Friday, February 3, 2023

7th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 5. The top five

1. Would you like to be a professional athlete?
2. Have you ever broken a record? 
3. Have you won a gold, silver or bronze medal in competitions? 
4. Are you competitive? 
5. Do you support any sports team? 
6. Are you a fan of any athlete? 
7. Can you name any famous athletes? 
8. Do you know any Belarusian athletes?

Read about one of the athletes in the photographs and fill in the  table below the text. Prepare to speak about this athlete.

Vladislav Goncharov is an outstanding young athlete, a trampoline gymnast who won the Olympic gold medal for Belarus at the Olympics in Rio. Vladislav was born in Vitebsk. There at the age of six, he started doing gymnastics. Later Vladislav tried jumping on the trampoline. Any child would like the excitement and the feeling of flying! The most notable results came in 2014 when he won the bronze medal at the World Championship, and one silver and two gold medals in 2018 and 2019.

Andrei Arlovski, nicknamed The Pit Bull, is a former UFC* champion and an actor. Andrei Arlovski was born in Babruisk. At school, Andrei was often bullied by older students. When he turned 14, he had finally had enough. Andrei gave up soccer and started lifting weights in a gym to put on muscles and become stronger and more confident. Arlovski took up Sambo at the age of 16, later he studied Karate, Judo and Kickboxing. He joined the professional sport at the age of 20, took part in the World Sambo Cup and Championship winning two silver medals. 6 years later Arlovski became a UFC heavyweight champion.

Victoria Azarenka is a Belarusian professional tennis player from Minsk. At the age of 15 she moved to the USA to train there. Victoria was the first Belarusian tennis player to become the world No.1. She has won two Australian Open tennis tournaments and has two Olympic medals from London – the gold and the bronze. The story of Victoria’s competition with her friend Serena Williams has been developing for years. In 2016, they played in the final of the Indian Wells Open. Victoria won, becoming the first player to outplay Serena four times in a final. Many have said that Azarenka is the only player with the ability to regularly challenge Serena Williams. In 2018 Victoria returned to tennis after giving birth to her son Leo.

Alexander Hleb grew up in Minsk. Before taking up football, Alexander was a keen swimmer and gymnast. At the age of 17, he started playing for BATE Borisov, a Belarusian Premier League team. Alexander Hleb became the best football player of Belarus 6 times, being the nation’s best player ever. Hleb was a key player at Arsenal, London and was named Arsenal’s best player of the year 3 times. At the age of 26 Hleb joined Barcelona football club. In an interview to The Guardian*, Hleb once said that the biggest mistake of his life was leaving Arsenal for Barcelona.

Darya Domracheva is one of the best biathletes of the world, the leader of the national team and a Hero of Belarus. She is a two-time world champion and a four-time Olympic champion, winning three gold medals in Sochi in 2014 and gold and silver medals in 2018. Darya was born in Minsk, but when she was four her family moved to a small town in Siberia, Russia. There, at the age of 6 she took up skiing following the example of her brother. 13 years later, Darya won her first medal for Belarus in the Youth World Championship in Finland. In 2018 Darya became the first biathlete to win four Golds at the Olympic Games. “It’s unbelievable,” Domracheva said “It means that the day when I chose to do sport was the right day and it was the right decision to start with biathlon.”

*UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship)

* a newspaper in the UK

Use the table to answer the questions
about the Belarusian athletes.

1. Who has won at least one Olympic medal?
2. Who has become a world champion? 
3. Who has lived outside Belarus for a long time? 
4. Who used to do a different kind of sport in childhood? 
5. Who took up the sport to change their life? 
6. Who is a friend of Serena Williams?  
7. Who is the Hero of Belarus?
8. Who has made a great mistake in their professional career? 
9. Which athletes do you admire? 
10. Why are their results in sport important for Belarus?

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

7th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 3. Keeping fit


The Gerund

«Playing sports is fun!»

Playing – это герундий. Герундий — это неличная форма глагола, соединяющая в себе свойства существительного и глагола.

Герундий образуется путем прибавления cyффикса -ing к основе глагола (to writewriting, to readreading).

Форма герундия совпадает с формой' причастия' I (Participle I).' Однако это разные формы глагола, отличающиеся и по значению, и по синтаксическим функциям.

В предложении герундий может быть: подлежащим, частью

сказуемого, дополнением, обстоятельством и определением.

1. Герундий в функции подлежащего:

Герундий в функции подлежащего переводится на русский язык именем существительным:

Skating is a favourite sport with young people. – Катание на коньках/ – любимый вид спорта молодёжи.

Walking or jogging can help you keep fit. – Ходьба или бег трусцой могут помочь тебе быть в форме.

2. В функции части сказуемого:

После глагола “to be”:

His task was keeping the goal safe. – Его заданием была защита ворот.

His hobby is doing sports. – Его хоббизанятия спортом.

Не путайте со сказуемым времен группы Continuous! (He is doing sports now.)

После глаголов “to begin”, “to continue”, “to give up”, “to take up”, “to finish”, “to try”, “to go on”, “keep on”, “carry on”, etc.:

 I finished training at 7 p.m. and went home. – Я закончил тренироваться в 7 часов и пошел домой.


3. В функции дополнения (прямого и предложного):

После глаголов “to enjoy”, “to need”, “to mind”, “to prefer”, “to like”, “to dislike”, “to hate”, etc.

 He likes playing baseball. – Он любит играть в бейсбол.

 После глаголов с предлогами “to think of”, “to hear of”, “to keep from”, “to look like”, “to thank for”, etc.:

 You are thinking of winning, arent you? – Вы думаете о том, чтобы победить, не правда ли?

 После фраз “to be afraid of”, “to be famous for”, “to be fond of”, “to be keen on”, “to be interested in”, “to be good at”, etc.:

 I am good at playing football. – Я хорошо играю в футбол.

7th grade. Unit 5. Lesson 2. Favourite sports


Both ... and ..., 

either ... or ..., 

neither ... nor ...


Союз both ... and ... употребляется в утвердительных предложениях и переводится на русский язык «и... и...» «как ..., так и ...». Глагол после этого союза всегда стоит во множественном числе.

Both Tom and Jane can skate. – Как Том, так и Джейн умеют кататься на коньках.

 Союз either ... or ... переводится на русский язык как «или ..., или ...». Мы используем его, когда есть выбор между двумя предметами, людьми или действиями, но нужно выбрать что-то одно.

You can ask either mum or dad to teach you play chess. – Ты можешь попросить или маму, или папу научить тебя играть в шахматы.

Союз neither ... nor ... переводится на русский язык как «ни ..., ни ...». Мы используем его, когда нам не подходит ни один из предложенных вариантов.

Обратите внимание: союз neither ... nor ... является сам по себе отрицательный. Помните, что в английском языке в предложении может быть только одно отрицание, в данном случае это neither ... nor ..., следовательно, сказуемое ставится только в утвердительной форме.

Neither skiing nor skating is popular in New Zealand. – Ни лыжи, ни коньки не популярны в Новой Зеландии.

Эти конструкции могут соединять между собой однородные члены предложения.

Если союзы 'either ... or и 'neither ... nor' употребляются для соединения подлежащих, то сказуемое предложения согласуется (стоит в том же лице и числе) с ближайшим подлежащим.

Neither Mary nor her parents play soccer. – Ни Мэри, ни ee родители не играют в футбол.

Neither her parents nor Mary plays soccer. – Ни ее родители, ни Мэри не играют в футбол. (подлежащее)

She will either win or lose. – Она или выиграет, или проиграет. (сказуемое)

I want to buy either a bike or a skateboard. – Я хочу купить себе велосипед или скейтборд. (дополнение)

We want to buy either tennis or badminton rackets. – Мы хотим купить ракетки или для тенниса или для бадминтона. (определение)

We’ll have competitions either on Wednesday or on Saturday. – У нас будут соревнования или в среду, или в субботу. (обстоятельство)