Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas and New Year songs 2021


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Super English with Veronika wishes you a very happy Christmas and a happy new year!

Thank you for your support and efforts in acquiring English throughout 2020 and I hope to continue helping you with your studying and teaching in the new year. 

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

6th grade. Irregular verbs be-cut

 👉Must use: Irregular verbs be - cut

5th grade. Unit 4. Lesson 1. A British Calendar.

 Learn the words

Всевозможные цифры, числа, даты, время, а также слова, обозначающие количество чего-либо, называют числительными. 

Как и в русском языке, в английском числительные подразделяются на те, что указывают количество предметов при счете (количественные числительные - cardinals), и те, что указывают их порядок (порядковые числительные - ordinals).

Образование порядковых числительных в английском языке

Порядковые числительные в английском языке определяют порядок предметов при счете и отвечают на вопрос which? (какой, который). Образуются они путем прибавления к количественному числительному суффикса —th. Предлагаем вам выучить первые 12 порядковых числительных, так как среди них вы найдете слова-исключения, к которым суффикс прибавляется по другому принципу.

  • 1 – one – first (один – первый);
  • 2 – two – second (два – второй);
  • 3 – three – third (три – третий);
  • 4 – four – fourth (четыре – четвертый);
  • 5 – five – fifth (пять – пятый);
  • 6 – six – sixth (шесть – шестой);
  • 7 – seven – seventh (семь – седьмой);
  • 8 – eight – eighth (восемь – восьмой);
  • 9 – nine – ninth (девять – девятый);
  • 10 – ten – tenth (десять – десятый);
  • 11 – eleven – eleventh (одиннадцать – одиннадцатый);
  • 12 – twelve – twelfth (двенадцать – двенадцатый).

Ну а в таких порядковых числительных, как двадцатый, тридцатый, сороковой и т. д., конечную —y меняем на —ie:

  • 20 – twenty – twentieth;
  • 30 – thirty – thirtieth;
  • 40 – forty – fortieth.

Для составных порядковых числительных английского языка характерно то, что только последнее слово принимает форму порядкового числительного, а все остальные остаются количественными:

  • 53 – fifty three – fifty-third;
  • 307 – three hundred and seven – three hundred and seventh;
  • 600 – six hundred – six hundredth;
  • 9000 – nine thousand – nine thousandth;
  • 1000 000 – one million – one millionth.

С тем, как образуются порядковые числительные, разобрались. Теперь давайте посмотрим видеоурок о том, как они произносятся.

При написании дат артикль the и предлог of часто опускаются, но всегда произносятся в устной речи. 

Пишем: The New Year's Day is on 1st January. – Новый год первого января.
Говорим: The New Year's Day is on the first of January. – Новый год первого января.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Friday, November 27, 2020

English Traditions&Amazing Faсts. Black Friday


Благодаря команде ENGINFORM мы сегодня 
 узнаем, как появился день распродаж и почему пятница черная, а не красная, или, например, синяя.

🔴 В начале прошлого века крупные универмаги США (такие как Macy’s) начали устраивать парады (parades) после Дня Благодарения (Thanksgiving Day). Естественно, эти парады были масштабными и красочными рекламными кампаниями (advertising campaigns), единственной целью которых было завлечь покупателей (entice shoppers) в магазины после окончания парада.

🔴 Со временем создалась традиция – начинать рождественские распродажи (Christmas Sales) на следующий день после Дня Благодарения, который праздновался в последний четверг ноября. Но в некоторые годы в ноябре выпадало пять четвергов, соответственно распродажи начинались намного позже, оставляя покупателям меньше времени потратить деньги (spend money) перед Рождеством, а продавцам – увеличить свои прибыли (to make bigger profits).

🔴 Создалась проблема национального масштаба: с одной стороны, все хотели иметь не менее 25 дней распродаж, а с другой – никто не хотел нарушать традицию, ведь яркие рекламные кампании великолепно вписывались в контекст Дня Благодарения.

🔴 Находчивые американские продавцы (retailers) обратились с этой проблемой к самому президенту, доказав тем самым, что американская культура во многом базируется на рекламе (advertising) и потребительстве (consumerism). Президент Рузвельт пошел им навстречу и с 1939 года День Благодарения стали праздновать в четвертый (а не в последний) четверг ноября.

🔴 Долгое время пятница после Дня Благодарения не имела официального названия, а просто считалась официальным днем начал распродаж. Однако в середине 60-х годов прошлого века пятница впервые была названа “черной”. Это произошло в Филадельфии, где из-за распродаж возникло такое количество автомобилей и пешеходов на улицах, что движение было практически полностью парализовано. Это название было придумано не продавцами, а полицейскими, которые не могли справиться с пробками (traffic jams) и заторами (congestion) на дорогах Филадельфии.

🔴 Продавцам было не на руку, что день, когда они представляют свои скидки (introduce the discounts) и выставляют на продажу товары по сниженным ценам (put items on sale), ассоциируется в сознании людей с чем-то отрицательным, поэтому была выдумана новая версия происхождения названия.

🔴 Она основывается на истории ведения бухгалтерского дела (accounting). В прошлом все записи велись от руки (keep records by hand) в особых бухгалтерских книгах (account book). Данные о прибыли (profit) записывали черными чернилами (in the black), а данные об убытках (loss) – красными (in the red). Пятница после Дня Благодарения приносила колоссальную прибыль магазинам, то есть они были в плюсе (in the black), поэтому её назвали “черной”, а не “красной”.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

9th grade. A Healthy Lifestyle. Lesson 6. Addiction - when you just can't stop it


Write a shorter e-mail to Jane giving her a piece of advice.

Exam Topics. Environment


The Earth is the only planet in the solar system where there is life. If you look down at the Earth from a plane you will see how wonderful our planet is. You will see blue seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, high snow-capped mountains, green forests and fields. For centuries the man had lived in harmony with nature until industrialization brought human society into conflict with the natural environment. Today, the contradictions between man and nature have acquired a dramatic character. With the development of civilization man’s interference in nature has increased. It goes without saying that human activities have a big impact on the environment and can seriously damage the planet. The most dramatic environmental issues today are climate change, water, air and soil pollution, littering, acid rains, deforestation, animal extinction and resource depletion. Most of the environmental issues are interdependent. Recently people have become more and more aware of the damage we have caused. The humankind has hit on the idea that we should save our planet in order to save ourselves.

Air pollution is perhaps the most burning environmental problem. Many megapolises lie under a thick blanket of smog and live like in a "gas chamber". Every year the world’s industry pollutes the atmosphere with millions of tons of dust and other harmful substances. People who live in big cities are badly affected by harmful emissions from plants and city transport and by the increasing noise level which is as bad for human health as well as lack of fresh air and clean water. Car exhaust fumes also destroy the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the dangerous light of the sun. Aerosols create large “holes” in the ozone layer round the Earth. Air pollution is one of "the biggest killers" in the world. It causes at least one million deaths a year, mostly from heart diseases, strokes, cancer and a breathing problem. Most deaths take place in megapolises where air pollution is reaching its catastrophic levels.

A sore subject is that our forests are dying from acid rains. Deforestation, especially destruction of tropical forests, affects the balance of nature in many ways. It kills animals, changes the climate and ecosystem in the world. People’s activity is crowding animals out of their natural habitat. I’d like to say a few words about animals in danger of extinction. The blue whale is the largest animal which has ever lived. Once there were over 200000 of these creatures living in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Since the seventeenth century they have been hunted for their oil and meat. In fact, so many of them were killed that by 1963 their population had been reduced to just 1000. Today it is even less than that. The African elephant is the world’s largest land animal. Today there are fewer than one million of these animals left. Even though they are now protected, they are still being hunted because of their tusks, which are used to make ornaments and jewellery. There is only one way to save wild animals and wild habitats – conservation. That means protecting endangered animals by law, opening more national parks, building fewer new roads, planting more new forests, cutting pollution. If this doesn’t happen, many wild animals will soon have just one habitat- the Zoo.

There are a lot of places on our planet that need immediate help. Our country is not an exception. The nuclear accident at Chernobyl, which took place on April 26, 1986., has seriously aggravated the ecological situation in Belarus. That catastrophe can be considered as the largest disaster of the 20th century. As the result of that accident 18% of territories of our republic were contaminated by radioactive elements. The agriculture of our country suffered great losses. More than 20% of the population has also suffered. A death rate among children has increased considerably. Everyone understands that this catastrophe is a threat to health of our nation, and though years have already passed, the results will be shown on the future generations.

I believe that environmental disasters can be avoided if people broaden ecological education and every person understands that the beauty of nature is extremely fragile and people must obey the unwritten laws of nature. Recently governments have taken serious measures to tackle these problems. Factories close down for several days per week, and city dwellers are encouraged to think of alternative ways of travelling around the city. They are advised to use public transport or bikes, car-pool and walk more. 

The world's best scientists are trying to invent new advanced equipment to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. They see the solution to this problem in clean and renewable energy.  Environmental activists give preference to wind and solar energy. Solar panels and windmills are now quick to install and safe in comparison with nuclear energy. With them we don't have to worry about the accidents like Chernobyl or Fukushima. So when you see more and more valleys covered with solar panels and sea coasts occupied with windmills, you should know that this is a sign of hope for the human race, hope for fresh, clean and safe air. 

Renewable energy will help not only to clean the air but also to maintain global average temperature. Global warming is a very serious problem. If the temperature rises, it will cause a lot of ice near the North and South Poles to melt. As a result, large areas along the coast will go under water and we may lose such great cities as Venice and New York.  This problem can also be solved by individual action - reducing energy use. We could do this by turning off lights, turning down heaters and air conditioners, building more energy efficient buildings, shutting doors. We can also sort out our rubbish for recycling to save natural resources. If we all make an effort we can change the situation. It’s not so difficult for everyone to take the empty bottles to a recycling bin or reuse an old plastic bag or use your own bag when you buy something at the supermarket. We should also choose products which contain recycled materials, for example recycled paper. These are all simple actions which everyone must do if we are concerned about our planet, yet not many do so. New technology may help, but lifestyle change can have a much more immediate effect.

The problem of “holes” in the ozone layer round the Earth could be solved by individual action: stop using ozone-depleting chemicals. However, global action was taken to control the problem. The international convention to stop the production of many ozone-depleting chemicals is one of the best examples.

The activity of many public organizations is directed to protect environment. One of the best known organizations is “Greenpeace”, whose purpose is to protect and conserve the environment. This organization was founded in 1971 by the activists from the USA and Canada and it has representations in 25 countries of the world. “Greenpeace” acts against nuclear tests, radiating threat, pollution of the environment by waste industrial products, to protect the animal world, etc. This organization influences public opinion through mass media and protest actions.

For example, the “Greenpeace” sent its boats to protect whales, and today commercial whaling is banned. In the North Sea Greenpeace swimmers turned back dump ships carrying chemical waste, and new laws to protect the North Sea have been considered.

If we don’t realize that we are all responsible for what’s happening around us we will never feel secure about the future of the world we live in. In conclusion I’d like to say that we should think about our beautiful planet and joint our efforts to keep it clean and safe for future generations.

Let’s talk about environment.

1. . Do you share the opinion that our planet is in danger?

2. Is your city/town/village polluted? Why or why not?

3. What questions will you ask your friend who is a member of “The Greens”?

4. Give a piece of advice on what people can do to protect the environment.

5. If you have a chance to start a campaign to help the environment, what will you campaign for?

Answer the questions in comments (at least 3-4 sentences to every question), if you are not signed up on Google, write your name and surname. Answers will be graded.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

5th grade. Unit 3. Lesson 3. What time is it?

 Learn the words for the lesson.

  1. Если минутная стрелка находится на цифре от 12 до 6, т.е. в пределах первой половины циферблата, тогда мы говорим сколько минут прошло ПОСЛЕ (PAST) наступившего часа :

3:05 – It’s 5 past three

4:10 – It’s 10 past four

5:25 – It’s 25 past five

2. Если минутная стрелка находится на 6 (30 минутах), тогда мы говорим ПОЛОВИНА ПОСЛЕ (HALF PAST) и также называем прошедший час.

6:30 – It’s half past six

7:30 – It’s half past seven

 3. Если минутная стрелка находится на цифре от 6 до 12, т.е. в пределах второй половины циферблата, тогда мы говорим сколько минут осталось ДО (TO) следующего часа:

    8:35 – It’s twenty-five to 9

9:40 – It’s twenty to 10

10:50 – It’s ten to 11

Говоря о времени, мы используем предлог AT :

Let’s meet at 5 o’clock.

His work starts at 9.

The train comes at 8.

Если мы называем время без минут, а только час, мы можем добавить o’clock:

at 2 o’clock

at 11 o’clock

at 3 o’clock

Сообщая который сейчас час, мы начинаем предложение с It’s:

It’s 5 o’clock

It’s half past 3

It’s fifteen past 4

Говоря о 15 минутах, мы можем использовать ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ (fifteen) или ЧЕТВЕРТЬ (quarter):

5:15 – It’s fifteen past 5 = It’s quarter past 5

5:45 – It’s fifteen to 6 = It’s quarter to 6

Просмотрите видео и потренируйте время в речи:

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

5th grade. Unit 3. Lesson 1. Do you like TV?


 First, learn the words for the lesson 


Do exercises with Subject and Object pronouns 

Object Pronouns, an interactive worksheet by kathari

Friday, November 13, 2020

Listening A1-A2

                                  Listening Test 2

                         First learn the words, then listen to the conversation and do the test.

Beginner 1-03 Weekend Routine from elllo on Vimeo.

Quiz created by Veronika Bebekh with GoConqr

Thursday, November 5, 2020

5th grade. The English Language Olympiad. Test 1

  Reading Test 

Read the text and do the tasks after it.

One day Mary and Bob went shopping. They wanted to buy some ice cream. Then they  saw a little man selling balloons. "Mister, we want a balloon”, said Mary to the man. "Here is our money”. "What balloon do you want?” said the balloon man. Mary and Bob wanted a bright green balloon. So they gave the man some money. The little man began to blow the balloon. He blew and blew. He blew up a big green cat. It was beautiful. 

Mary and Bob were happy to have a green cat balloon. Now they didn’t want any ice cream.

Quiz created by Veronika Bebekh with GoConqr

                                                    Lexical-Grammar Test 

                             Do the test to practice your grammar and vocabulary

Quiz created by Veronika Bebekh with GoConqr

                                Listening Test 

                         First learn the words, then listen to the conversation and do the test

Now listen to the conversation and do the test

Click and listen

Quiz created by Veronika Bebekh with GoConqr

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Exam Topics. Future Career



Choosing your future career alongside with marrying the right person is the most important decision people make in life. Starting with a right profession at the right time can bring you good results in the long run. Scientists have calculated that every person spends approximately 40 hours per week at work. It’s 25% of your time. The longer you stay with a profession, the more experience you will earn. You may spend this time enjoying what you do or torturing yourself. A famous old saying goes: “Find the job that you love and you will never work a day in your life.” That’s what thousands of recent school-leavers are struggling to do.  But with thousands of careers to choose from how to pick one that will become your calling?

There are many factors that may have a great influence on choosing your future career. For some teenagers parents are role models and that’s why they follow in their parents footsteps. Others take into consideration demands of the job market, economic situation and salaries. Such people usually go into something prestigious and well-paid. Anyway your choice should greatly depend on your character and interests.

People who feel comfortable working with numbers may go in for accounting, IT sphere or teaching Maths and Physics. Outgoing and creative types who constantly need to communicate with people will probably be good at management and advertising. If you want to make a difference in people’s lives you may consider becoming a doctor, a nurse or a teacher. These professions are highly challenging but rewarding.

Before choosing a profession, consider the following points. First, take time to think about the impact a profession selection will have on your professional life and analyze all the aspects of the profession. Then, talk about it with your friends who are into that profession already. Asking them about an opinion about your decision is also worth. They can give you more inputs for your decision making process. Moreover, try to make an appointment with a good career consultant and explore the potential of the new profession. Finally, see if your present skills are adequate for the chosen profession, after that take necessary steps to enhance the skills to do this kind of job. And last but not least, discuss this in online forums. Online forums can help you a lot as you receive a lot of useful information from around the world.

As for me, I have always been fond of languages, history and geography. I’m sure that I won’t stand a monotonous office job. I want to travel, explore and have adventures. That’s why I’ve set my mind on the career of a travel guide. In my opinion, it’s the best profession in the world. Every day you do for a living what others only do on vacation. You meet amazing people from all over the world and see inspiring places on a daily basis.

But I realize that it doesn’t mean to be easy. Travel guides may face rude and indifferent tourists, so they have to be charismatic, enthusiastic and knowledgeable to charm the group. I get on well with people and, according to my friends and relatives, I’m good at story-telling. I hope that university will help me get necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in profession.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that the choice of the future career will greatly impact my life so I’m taking it seriously. I have assessed my weaknesses and strengths, set a goal and I will do my best to achieve it.

Let’s talk about future career.

1.     What do you want to do in the future?

2.     Do you prefer to work by yourself or in a team? Why?

3.     What questions will you ask a person who is satisfied with his/her professional life?

4.     Give me some advice on what I need to think about when choosing a job.

5.     What do you think is more important: to have a good salary or to love your job?

Let’s talk about your future career.

1.     What kind of job do you want to have in the future?

2.     Is foreign language proficiency important for your future job? Why or why not?

3.     What questions do you expect from your future employer at a job interview?

4.     Give me some advice on how to create a positive impression on the employer at a job interview.

5.     Some people think that an applicant should be computer literate to get a good job. What do you think about it?

Answer the questions in comments (at least 3-4 sentences to every question), if you are not signed up on Google, write your name and surname. Answers will be graded.